View Full Version : Anybody sorry they used CD-2?

12-30-2002, 04:04 PM
Based on the write-ups I read searching for a good product to use to add some newness back to my wifes engine compartment, I bought some CD-2 engine detailer. Since it`s 60° today and my wife`s car isn`t here I thought I`d try it on my car too. What I`m wondering thought is, for those who have used CD-2, are you sorry you used it a few months later? Does the shine look artifical, too glossy or uneven?

12-30-2002, 04:25 PM
Haven`t tried any of these products myself yet. Unfortunately, I did a "ground-up" detail on the Jag before discovering some of the wonderful products used by Autopians. But I was intrigued by this great review -- http://www.autopia.org/forums/showthread.php?s=&threadid=13432&highlight=EngineKote -- and intend to try it when I tackle the Benz this spring.

12-31-2002, 01:10 PM
I love CD2. It has helped restore more than one messed up engine in my day.





CD2 didn`t do all of that, but it did put the "new" looking shine on it. I use it on my own engine and haven`t ever had much of a problem with dust attraction. Of course, I touch up my engine every couple weeks or so. I`m a fan of CD2. I wish it was a little easier to find around here.

12-31-2002, 01:15 PM
omg, that before and after is just awesome...

12-31-2002, 02:59 PM
dizzam! Jngrbrdman, What tools did you use to do that besides CD-2??

12-31-2002, 03:11 PM
I`ve got my own brew that I use. Its part advanage (http://www.advanage.com) and part autoint concentrated degreaser (http://www.autoint.com). I used a bunch of towels and I did have to use a brush on parts of the valve cover. The guy didn`t even know the valve cover wasn`t supposed to be black!! lololol It only took about 30 or 45 minutes to do that job. Once you have the right products and the technique then the rest is easy. I love detailing engines. Its probably my favorite part of the job.

12-31-2002, 05:10 PM
Originally posted by Jngrbrdman

I wish it was a little easier to find around here.I bought my CD-2 kit from KMart yesterday for $4. I thought that was pretty cheap since I saw it online somewhere for $9.

I sprayed the black plastic cam and fuel rail covers last night. I bought them in house to dry for a couple of hours, but they were still a little damp in places. I used a cotton rag to buff them and remove any excess that hadn`t dried. I sprayed the intake manifold, made out of some kind of composite plastic and the air intake this morning. It turned out looking pretty good with a nice low gloss finish. I guess I`ll find out in a couple of months how this stuff holds up or if it collects any excess dust.

12-31-2002, 05:17 PM
After a couple months it is going to have dust on it whether you used any treatment or not. The test is more like a couple weeks. Any longer than that and the engine will be dusty no matter what you put on it.

K-Mart has always been where I found it at too. At least in the kit form. You can get the individual cans at AutoZone around here. I prefer the kit because its a better deal.

12-31-2002, 05:28 PM
OK, your positive comments have me intrigued. So I went to the Acronyms list. No luck. What`s CD-2? I feel pretty stupid. :(

12-31-2002, 05:58 PM
Lynn, CD-2 is the product`s name. The kit I bought came with two aerosol cans, one is a degreaser and the other is the spray detailer(the shiny stuff).

Jngrbrdman, I`m thinking excess dust or more than normal. Since I keep the engine compartment in my BMW really clean all the time, I`ll know if CD-2 is attracting more dust than normal.

When I say my engine is dirty, friends say, "Where?" :D

12-31-2002, 06:03 PM
Originally posted by HellrotCi

Lynn, CD-2 is the product`s name. The kit I bought came with two aerosol cans, one is a degreaser and the other is the spray detailer(the shiny stuff).

Thanks, HellrotCi. I was trying to think it thru logically .... Hmmm .... CD=California Duster .... so CD-2 = a dual-exhaust California Duster? :nixweiss ... No, I says to myself, that can`t be, so .... Ok, `nuf here. I`m losing it.

12-31-2002, 07:39 PM
is now owned by Turtle Wax, along with Marvel Mystery Oil.

Your best bet will be a big box merchant like K-Mart, Wal-Mart, etc., and the large auto chain stores - Pep Boys, AutoZone, Advance, etc.

CD-2 used to be owned by Stewart Warner (the guage people), and then Alemite Corp. TW bought them about 5 years ago.

12-31-2002, 09:08 PM
Originally posted by Jngrbrdman

I love CD2. It has helped restore more than one messed up engine in my day.





Whats wrong with the oil cap?

12-31-2002, 09:15 PM
Originally posted by FNG

Whats wrong with the oil cap?

Uh....nothing...uhmm....I put that back on before I started the car, of course...uh..yeah... That would have been a stupid mistake to make...uhmm... ;)