View Full Version : Washing MF towels

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12-30-2002, 03:49 PM
how do you wash MF towels and get all that dried wax/dirt/etc. out of it so that you don`t have to throw it away?? Or do you just throw them away and buy new ones???

12-30-2002, 04:02 PM
Hello tyymm,

Micro fiber towels are reusable. I would recommend using warm to hot (by touch) water with a mild liquid detergent to wash them. Try and soak them for about 30min to 1hr. Some people add a little dawn dishwashing detergent in the wash to help breakdown the wax. I hand wash all of my micro fiber towels after each use. You wouldn`t want wax, dirt, grime, etc sitting on your micro fiber towels over a period of time. The sooner you can wash them the better because it will help promote a longer useful life of the micro fiber towel. As far as drying, I would recommend for best results to just line dry them. If you want to put them in the dryer set the temperature to low or air fluff. Just check on them to make sure they are not over dry. It could produce static electricity.

Forgot to mention, do not use any bleach in the wash and do not use any fabric softener (i.e. Bounce) if your using the dryer.

I hope that helps.

With Aloha,


12-30-2002, 04:02 PM
Originally posted by tyymm

how do you wash MF towels and get all that dried wax/dirt/etc. out of it so that you don`t have to throw it away?? Or do you just throw them away and buy new ones???

That would be an expensive undertaking!

In the washer, hot water with liquid detergent. Then either hang dry, or machine dry with NO dryer sheets.

That is all.

I think some people wash separately the MF they use for different tasks. This is probably unnecessary, but if you want to be sure you don`t induce streaking, and you don`t mind wasting water, then go ahead!

12-30-2002, 09:16 PM
great thanks alot for the fast replies!!:xyxthumbs

12-30-2002, 09:18 PM
emobob mentioned machine drying. That`s fine and all, just make sure it`s on LOW HEAT.


12-30-2002, 09:24 PM
I just washed my MF towels for the first time and here is something NOT to do.

dry them with Terry towels. I have all kinds of terry `critters` in my MF towels. I guess I will have to re-wash them :nixweiss

12-30-2002, 09:30 PM
Hello dengsxr,

That is correct. You shouldn`t wash or dry your micro fiber towels with any other fabrics. Especially cotton.

With Aloha,


12-30-2002, 10:36 PM
I just throw mine in the washer under permanent press in warm water and they come out fine. I have used both Tide and Cheer with no ill effects. Just be sure not to use any fabric softener and only wash them with other MF products. :xyxthumbs

12-30-2002, 11:34 PM
Same here 360.....Ive had them sit for some time also, but then again, I dont use them for an initial wipe down, just final wipedowns and while QD`ing.....So they never really get that dirty or grimy.....

hot wash with Tide and a warm rinse in clear water......chuck um in the dryer and good as new....never had a problem.....(Vipers)

12-31-2002, 07:58 AM
To help keep mine debris and lint free I store them in large zip lock freezer bags. I use one bag for clean ones and one bag for used ones. Since they never get terribly dirty, I use a very small amount of detergent when I wash them and always wash separatley from other towels. I tumble dry low heat, then remove before completely dry to line dry. I have gotten years of service from them using these methods.

12-31-2002, 09:05 AM
I always thought that MF`s should be washed in low temp water. I have used this method and the towels are clean. Should I switch to warm water?

Ranney (PakShak) you have another order in your Box :D

Wayne the check is in the mail.

F 355
12-31-2002, 09:17 AM
Glad to hear I`m not the only one obsessed with M/F`s..

I have seperate MF`s for each application. I took a laundry marker and on each corner marked "QD" quick detail, "W" wax, "P" polish...you get the idea..

I wash them all together as mentioned above, dry with no heat, then I put them in a Zip Lock marked on the outside with QD, P, etc....so I don`t cross contaminate...don`t want wax on window MF.

I know I`m taking this to the Nth degree, but that`s why I`m here..


12-31-2002, 12:20 PM
wow separate mf towel uses... now i have something else to do:D

12-31-2002, 12:48 PM
F355, If you really wanted to go to the Nth degree you could have them embroidered.

12-31-2002, 01:27 PM
Originally posted by super shine

F355, If you really wanted to go to the Nth degree you could have them embroidered.

DF Towel offers personally embroidered microfibers.:bow www.DFTowel.com