View Full Version : need help red paint oxidized

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12-30-2002, 03:45 PM
my mustang is very oxidized it been siting outside all summer and i just put it indoors it looks very bad. the hood has water spots. it is red what can i use to get rid of the oxidized off. thanks:(

12-30-2002, 04:09 PM
First read the e-book.

Second do a search through the forums.

Then, if you have questions ask the pros here, they are more than willing to help!

Also, check the reviews section. Someone just wrote positive review of 3m oxidation remover. A good combo would probably be that with a PC (random orbit buffer). Theres an instructional video in the forums somewhere on how to use it.

welcome to autopia:up

12-30-2002, 04:15 PM
Hello stang922,

You might also want to check out www.properautocare.com. They have a section on different scenarios when it comes to proper auto care. They suggest products and tools to get the job done right. Also, a very good company to do business with. They are a one stop shop. Terry and the gang there are great...:xyxthumbs

With Aloha,


12-30-2002, 04:22 PM
Originally posted by stang922

my mustang is very oxidized it been siting outside all summer and i just put it indoors it looks very bad. the hood has water spots. it is red what can i use to get rid of the oxidized off. thanks:(

Look under my name. Had the same problem. Hope you have a PC. Saves tons of time.

12-30-2002, 05:03 PM
AIO and a PC worked great for me. I`d suggest that if you have access to it.


12-30-2002, 05:45 PM
no i dont have a pc at this time can i still get a good look by hand thanks for all your help.:xyxthumbs

12-30-2002, 05:56 PM
Sure you can. This was about 10 years of no protection at all on a car. I could have done it by hand but it would have twisted my arm off. :p Swirl removal is best done with a machine, but you can clean your paint by hand just fine as long as you don`t expect all your swirls to disappear with the oxidation. AIO is really easy to work with by hand too. It may take 3 or 4 applications but it hasn`t ever disappointed me.

12-30-2002, 07:01 PM
that hood looks good i hope i can get mine to look like that. where can i pc from for cheap,

12-30-2002, 07:03 PM
A PC with the proper attachments and pads will run you anywhere from $120 to $150 usually. Every now and then there is a sale on PCs for around a hundred bucks at www.coastaltool.com, but I don`t know if there are any of those going on right now. Plan on spending about $150 to get what you really need though. Its not a lot of investment considering the results you are going to get from it. Not to mention that a professional would charge you probably more than that to do it. This way you`ll have the tools to do it to other people`s cars and make some money at it perhaps. :xyxthumbs

12-30-2002, 07:30 PM
Originally posted by stang922

my mustang is very oxidized it been siting outside all summer and i just put it indoors it looks very bad. the hood has water spots. it is red what can i use to get rid of the oxidized off. thanks:(

The first thing you have to determine is whether or not you have base/clear or acrylic enamel paint. You can easily determine this by rubbing a spot with some mild polish and if the colour comes off the car onto the towel then you have acrylic enamel and if it doesn`t then you have base/clear. Secondly, it is important to understand that red is very susceptable to oxidation and fading due to the fact the the pigment in red is most easily attacked by ultraviolet light. You must be careful as some early nineties cars that were painted with base/clear didn`t have enough uv blockers in the clear coat and the red pigment was destroyed under the clear and no amount of buffing will ever fix it (this problem was very common in early nineties toyota and mazdas). If it is fixable, polishing with a mild polishing compound will remove the oxidized paint and further polishing will produce a nice deep finish. Follow up with a coat of wax and then stay on top of it! If you don`t it will fade again and you`ll have to go through the whole process again (provided you have enough paint to do so). Good luck.

12-30-2002, 08:27 PM
yes it is acrylic red paint comes off.:)

01-14-2003, 09:36 PM
sould i use clay on it to prep it. the red paint on the hood and roof is oxidized iam planing on doing it this weekend if the weather is good. also what do u guys use on theblack trim mine faded and crack something that will not run on the car wind it rains. i was going to try gold glass products on the car. until i order from cma. thanks

01-14-2003, 09:56 PM
Try some Forever Black on the trim. Its a dye that seems to hold up well over time.

If you have clay and are planning to polish the car then, yes, use it.

Wash, clay, polish, protect. Those are your basic paint detailing steps.

01-14-2003, 10:09 PM
thanks for youre help bretfraz. is claying can it be use in place forof cleaner wax. thanks

01-14-2003, 10:11 PM
or paint cleaner