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12-29-2002, 12:29 AM
I thought I`ve seen it all after living in NYC all my life. But tonight, was a new one.

As I pulled up to a red light at the intersection of 27th street and 10th avenue, I noticed a gang of kids standing at the corner.

I noticed them eyeing my immaculte, black, shiny BMW, and I knew something was up.

Sure enough, one of them lobs a frozen hunk of ice with rocks in it at my car, a hunk the size of a yellow pages.

It`s in midair. I prey it misses.

It lands on my windshield, thankGod.

No damage done. But, what if it hit my hood? What would I have done to those hoodlums? Would I have gone one step too far?

My next two hours were spent wondering what I would have done if they had damaged my hood. And what COULD I have done?

I am just glad it didn`t come to that.

12-29-2002, 12:37 AM
It is just a car. I know I know I am going to be flamed. But it could have been a gun pointed at your dome. Be thankful nothing worse happend.

12-29-2002, 01:04 AM
I have to agree with Ozz. Kids will be kids. Take matters into your own hands and you will have problems that are far more expensive and stressfull than painting the hood of your car.

It is great that you exercised some restraint instead of going after the little punks.

When I was younger(and stupid), some kids I used to hang out with would throw rocks at nice cars to initiate a chase. We would let the car owner close in until he got out for a foot pursuit. When the foot chase ensued, someone would jump in the car and drive away with it. The owner would instinctively turn around to run after his car but by then the punk behind the wheel would pick us up and then hit the road.

I did a lot of dumb s#!t back in my youth but I am extremely lucky to be still alive today, where most of my friends from that time are now either locked up or dead.

12-29-2002, 01:10 AM
Sorry guys, got to agree with JCatt on this one....heads would have rolled!!!!

12-29-2002, 02:27 AM
Originally posted by Nagchampa

I have to agree with Ozz. Kids will be kids. Take matters into your own hands and you will have problems that are far more expensive and stressfull than painting the hood of your car.

It is great that you exercised some restraint instead of going after the little punks.

When I was younger(and stupid), some kids I used to hang out with would throw rocks at nice cars to initiate a chase. We would let the car owner close in until he got out for a foot pursuit. When the foot chase ensued, someone would jump in the car and drive away with it. The owner would instinctively turn around to run after his car but by then the punk behind the wheel would pick us up and then hit the road.

I did a lot of dumb s#!t back in my youth but I am extremely lucky to be still alive today, where most of my friends from that time are now either locked up or dead.

i`m gonna have to disagree about the whole kids will be kids thing because they will always act like that until somebody sets them straight. it`s called growing up. i`m not saying he should have beat the sh** out of the little punks(i`m also not saying he shouldn`t have), but they need to be taught. what if it`s you out there next time??? then maybe it will be me. they will not stop until somebody stops them.

on second thought, i just reread your childhood activities and i change my mind to your view 100%(please dont hurt me:eek: )

12-29-2002, 04:17 AM
What about calling the police?

12-29-2002, 05:45 AM
There was another thread just like this a few months ago: http://www.autopia.org/forums/showthread.php?s=&threadid=11160&highlight=kids+throwing Everyone calm down and just read the thread. ;)

Having something like this happen is one of my worst nightmares. I mean, what would I do?!? :(

12-29-2002, 01:10 PM
I would have drove ahead a half block, stopped, then called the local police on the cell phone, and snapped a few pics of them with my motor drive camera.

Hopefully without them noticing, but if they do, my VR6 GTI or 454 Vette could outrun them! The GMC Z-71 could run over them!

You would think these punks would know better, do that to one crack dealer`s Lexus or Navigator, and you`re history!

12-29-2002, 01:19 PM
What scares me is not so much the potential damage to my car, but what`s next for these hoods?

If I were Tony Soprano, these kids would be sleeping with the fishes.

12-29-2002, 01:31 PM
John, thank god that they missed your car`s paint. If they had hit anypart of it, i think you might have more damage than just a few scratches. I don`t know what you would have done if they did. I know how you take care of your car and let`s just say that`s good thing for them that they missed.


12-29-2002, 01:42 PM
I know the feeling of terror as you are helpless as to the consequences of someone else`s stupidity. I had a friend when I was a teenager who met me at the mall and pulled a mangles porsche emblem out of his pocket to show me. I said "where did you finf that?" not realizing how stupid he was. He told me he had just yanked it off of a new black porsche in the parking lot. I chewed him out big time and left but as I was walking through the parking lot low and behold what did I see - the black porsche he pulled the emblem off. The owner was a 40ish guy who was standing beside the car and I swear to god he was almost in tears. It tirned out he had just picked up the car that week and my stupid buddy had just carved the hood of his pride and joy. Every time I had the urge to do something stupid that might affect someone else I just had to think of the look on that poor guys face.

Redcar GUY
12-29-2002, 01:43 PM
yep kids will be kids:mad: Thats why the world is in the crap box, I would have had to jump out and run them down if the hit my car, say what you want.... Now their throwing rocks, next they will be stealing your car, need to teach them somthing now before it is to late and you come outside to find your car gone!

12-29-2002, 01:47 PM
I would have done what you did. It also would have been a good idea to call the police and let them know that kids are throwing things at cars in that location. It might prevent someone else from having to go through it. I`ve found that the police are generally unresponsive for things like that, but it is worth a shot.

In real life, it is a bad idea to stop the car and try to play Rambo. It sounds good, but that kind of behavior can get you hurt or killed. I can`t see how it would have made your situation better, but I can see how it could have been worse. It doesn`t play well in court later, while you are trying to explain why you aren`t at fault for what happened after you made the choice to stop the car, get out, and escalate the situation.


imported_Paul Mitchell
12-29-2002, 01:49 PM

I am glad you are O.K. and I am glad it only hit the winshield.

What could have been done??? I wish I knew. It is most likely those kids had weapons of some sort. What would the NYC police have done?! For them this is minor. Call Charles Bronson perhaps?!

Kids today, even here in the NYC suburbs, have no regard for anyone else`s property. My father taught me never to mess with anyones stuff. I teach my daughter the same thing. How many times do I go outside and find kids inches away from the car with their bikes or throwing a football toward it. I have actually found them sitting on my wife`s car.

What can we do? This is a small bit of evidence of a chronic problem. It need to be dealt with now. So many young people have such bad attitudes toward others and their property. They seem to feel that they are owed something and that they can do whatever they want whenever they want. I am sick and tired of this.

What could have been done? I wish I knew.

Regards, Eric

12-29-2002, 02:07 PM
27th & 10th .........you where in the jungle , baby !!!!!

I used to co/own a afterhours club @ 18th and 10th... 20 years ago! Turn that bimmer on to 1-95 south till you see palm trees ....YES THERE IS LIFE OUTSIDE OF NYC!!!!!!