View Full Version : cleaning fake convt. top

12-27-2002, 01:18 AM
my 92 SLS seville has a fake vogue convertible top... its sort of a plastic hard fabric... not like a shirt, but not like leather....

I cant get the thing clean... the whole thing is tinted a shade darker. i even soaked it with heavy duty tire cleaner i clean my whitewaalls with (helped the best out of anything else)

any suggestions? It couldnt hold it to being scrubbed heavily very well...

a bunch of the stuff at the stores for vinyl/convertible tops sucked IMO.. very weak didnt do a THING

12-27-2002, 03:02 AM
You have to remember that you are dealing with fabric that is ten years old and may have been exposed to the elements for a good part of that time. There may be a possibility that the top is permanently stained.

I would use a soft brush with 303`s convertible top kit or try Porsche cloth top shampoo. If you can get it clean, be sure to put some protectant on it. This is the only way to keep it looking great. Good luck!

12-27-2002, 05:41 PM
Try Amazing rolling off followed by 303 protectant.

It sounds like you have tried some harsh chemicals on the top and nothing may correct the problem, besides redying the top.


12-27-2002, 09:29 PM
awesome... i was acually considering dying it a diff. color... where can i get this done? i would really like it black, it is grey right now...