View Full Version : 303 protectant in the UK!

12-24-2002, 04:39 AM
As bizarre as it may seem I checked the official 303 website and they dont list any UK distributors for their protectant :nixweiss

Did a quick search though, and found it here http://www.wwc.co.uk/acatalog/index.html?http%3A//www.wwc.co.uk/acatalog/WWC_On_line_Mall_Canoe_Accessories___Care_and_Repa ir_78.html&CatalogBody

About 2/3 way down :xyxthumbs

Edit - for 8oz it works out at £10.22 with postage.

12-24-2002, 04:46 AM

Now that is what I call first class research :bow

I think the European distributer is in somewhere like Norway, excellent work Nick :)


12-24-2002, 04:58 AM
Thanks Steve :D

I am sure soon we will have the full repetoire of `proper` US products at our disposal :rolleyes: :)

Basically I saw the word `marine` used in their product terminology, put 2 and 2 together and figured out that 303 is used by such organisations that are involved in the boating world (helps that my Dad has built a yacht and is very clued-up on boating):xyxthumbs

12-24-2002, 05:09 AM
So, in the UK we have:



Eagle One




Luster Pads

Porter Cable


Gummi Phledge(BMW)

Plus we have: Autoglym (full range), Dr OK Wack

Not to bad at all:cool:

12-24-2002, 08:26 AM
Very good :xyxthumbs

Althought I doubt I`ll be using Blitz again - the amount of residue I had to try and get off today (some bits I could not get off :mad: ) was unbelievable. Think I`ll be importing some P21S, unless I can find that anywhere :rolleyes:

12-24-2002, 09:05 AM
P21S only from the USA :( I think that it is to cold for Blitz, it would not really have time to cure fully, try it again in the spring/summer time, I think you will like it.


12-24-2002, 10:40 AM
I used my blitz today went on and off ok, dont like the fact it leaves a chalky dust though. No stubbon bits just put it on really thin. rub the wax with your finger to warm it up and let you apply it thinly.

Good work on the 303 mate.

Can someone post the links to the eagle one stuff, and the mothers cheers!

Have a great christmas guys

Nick fancy doing and order in the new year for the p21s? Ive used have a pot nowe and want the paint cleanser!

12-24-2002, 10:55 AM
Steve/Rich, I`ll be perfectly honest - when I applied it I`m pretty sure i applied it too thick (was difficult to rub off) and IIRC it was about 1 degree celcius :rolleyes: The worst reside was around door handles, locks, jams etc. It was quite funny because as I was washing my car today I looked at the side and absolutely pooed myself because I thought someone had vandalised my car overnight with scratches :( Then I just realised it was heavy Blitz residue :rolleyes: :D

Rich I`d love to do a new order. Money is very tight at the moment so it will just have to be paint cleanser and wax :up

Mothers website is www.mothers.com and the UK retailer is:

Auto Restoration Supplies Ltd

Unit A4, The Badminton Centre

Station Road



United Kingdon

BS17 5HT

Tel: (44) 454 329900

Fax: (44) 454 329988

The website for EO is http://www.valvolineeurope.com/eagleone/english/products/index.html and the UK retailer is:


Street Address: Dock Road

City, State/Prov. Zip: Birkenhead, Wirral, CH41 1DR, United Kingdom

Telephone: +44 151 652 1551

Fax: +44 151 653 8900

Contact: Customer Service Ëâ€` Mr. Barry Williams / Technical - Mr. Frank Sherlock / Sales and Marketing - Mr. Paul Taylor

E-mail: valvoline.uk@ashland.com

Merry xmas all fellow Autopians, have a good new year too!


12-24-2002, 03:31 PM
Cheers Nick

Merry christmas all.

we will do a small order in the new year then!:D

12-27-2002, 05:08 PM
Demon Tweeks swlls plexus by the way.