View Full Version : Stumped....

12-24-2002, 01:32 AM

I need some help on choosing a good paint cleaner. Currently I was thinking about Pinnacle or Medallion. Both look good but Pinnacle is ten bucks more. Is it worth it? Will I mainly see the difference on black colored cars?

Also, after cleaning the paint, what are some good products to get rid of swirls and scratches? I was thinking about #9 and Eagle one scratch remover. I have read the ebook, but I just want some suggestions.



12-24-2002, 02:04 AM
I have not used either. So take this with a grain of salt.

However, both look good you say. Go with the medallion since it is cheaper. I am pretty sure you will not notice the difference if you bought both and used them. However, if you are not satisfied with the medallion after you use it, your going to say I should have upped it to pinnacle. Though I would not say it has anything to do with the products. So again, go with the medallion.

or why not just use a clay bar?***

If you want to get rid of swirls and oxidation a good polish should do the trick. #9 is a good product, I have used it for removing scratches. If it is heavily oxidized or scratched you will have to get some more polishing products.


12-24-2002, 02:14 AM
I have used Pinnacle Paintwork Cleansing Lotion(PPCL) several times and am very impressed. It applies easily, and works very well. If you are going to use a swirl remover afterward, it may be better to clay first, then use the PPCL after the swirl removal step if necessary. Worth the $$ IMHO.

12-24-2002, 06:44 AM
I have used both PPCL and MMPC, for various paint cleaning. In my opinion MMPC is stronger than PPCL. Both have a chemical smell, but MMPC smell is stronger. Which cleaner I reach for depends on the condition of the paint, PPCL for cleaner or good condition paint, MMPC for paint that is in less than good condition, this just personal preference.

What is you current detailing regiment? What products do you currently use? When was the last time the vehicle was detailed? Is the vehicle garage or parked outside? What condition is the paint on the exterior?


12-24-2002, 12:03 PM
Originally posted by edschwab1

I have used both PPCL and MMPC, for various paint cleaning. In my opinion MMPC is stronger than PPCL. Both have a chemical smell, but MMPC smell is stronger. Which cleaner I reach for depends on the condition of the paint, PPCL for cleaner or good condition paint, MMPC for paint that is in less than good condition, this just personal preference.

What is you current detailing regiment? What products do you currently use? When was the last time the vehicle was detailed? Is the vehicle garage or parked outside? What condition is the paint on the exterior?


I`m with Eric. I`ve used both too and PPCL is milder than MMPC. So it depends on exactly what you want to do and where you are in the process. PPCL is best used as a final light polish before waxing. MMPC is used before this step as a moderate paint cleaner. There are dozens of other products that do the same thing.

Use the best product for the job. Don`t try to make a product do what it can`t, you won`t like the results.

12-24-2002, 02:46 PM
Originally posted by Knight

or why not just use a clay bar?***

Originally posted by Kenney

Also, after cleaning the paint.... Woah, wait a second here. "Paint cleaners" are not for literally cleaning the paint the way a clay bar does. Clay is different and separate from polishes and paint cleaners.

Paint cleaners/cleansers/cleansing lotions/etc, etc, should be almost considered like polishes and swirl removers because they often have some overlapping function, and are usually at least mildly abrasive. You use them to remove light oxidation, really minor swirls/marring, strip old wax, and sometimes shine up the surface a bit first in preparation for wax. Like Bret said, there are dozens of products that can do this sort of thing.

Leave the paint "cleaning" to car shampoo, clay, and tar remover.

12-25-2002, 01:46 AM
This is what I was thinking about doing for a detail....

1. Wash

2. Clay

3. Paint cleaner, p21s if paint is in good condition and medallion is bad.

4. Use #9 (also some 3m perfect it) and eagle one to get rid of swirls and scratches .

5. Apply Klasse AIO

6. Apply Klasse SG

7. Finish with p21s wax

Does this look like a good routine? I was planning to start a part time business detailing a couple cars in my neighborhood so do you think it is a good idea to use medallion if the paint needs something that hard or not?

Also any other suggestions would be great!


12-25-2002, 06:09 AM
This is just my two cents: I dont think you need the paint cleaner in your process. If you wash, Clay, #9, AIO, SG. The AIO is an All in one product which helps to clean and protect. I think the paint cleaner is just extra work with very little benefit in this case.

Also you might want to do a search about removing swirls, especially if you are going to do this( remove swirls) by hand.

Note about SG: The longer you wait between applying and removal the easier the Sg will buff using the two towel method. Which is one towel damp (mf) followed by one dry. I believe some pros avoid SG because of the drying time. The SG is great for the enthusiast that wants enhanced shine and max protection ( I probably opened up a can of worms with that statement).

Good luck and Merry Christmas!

12-25-2002, 03:32 PM
Is it still a good idea to use the pinnacle stuff right before sealing/waxing?

Thanks and Merry Christmas.

12-25-2002, 04:24 PM
You can, but as Rightlane suggested, you have already cleaned the paint TWICE by the time you have #9`d, and AIO`d, so I think PPCL would be overkill.

If I were you, I would:

1) Wash

2) Clay

3) Tar remover if necessary

4) #9

5) AIO x 2

6) SG x 2

7) P21S

Then sit back and enjoy the shine.:xyxthumbs

12-25-2002, 11:08 PM
When would I use scratch removers? before #9?


12-25-2002, 11:24 PM
Yep. The general rule of going from most to least aggressive still holds true. :)

12-25-2002, 11:37 PM
Woah, wait a second here. "Paint cleaners" are not for literally cleaning the paint the way a clay bar does.

I need some help on choosing a good paint cleaner.

I thought he wanted to clean the paint. As in remove the contaminants. I thought he was trying to clean the contaminants off with one of those products. So I recommended the clay bar. I guess I misunderstood what he was referring to. I have used the other products for oxidation and swirls, good stuff. Just would leave cleaning the paint of contaminants, up to a clay bar and car wash soap as 4DSC said.


12-26-2002, 12:01 AM
Mr. knight we like to clay before polishing so that we do not rub/buff any contaimantes into the surface during the polishing process. Clay leaves the surface very smooth. The polishing process removes oxidation and depending on the polish will level the surface which in effect removes swirls. AIO will clean and protect. Do not underestimate AIO. AIO is good for removing oxidation and deep cleaning the surface. As a matter of fact if you do not need to remove swirls then AIO is very good at removing oxidation and adds the benefit of protection.

12-26-2002, 01:18 AM
Mr. knight we like to clay before polishing


I hope everyone does that.
