View Full Version : Armor All leather wipes...

12-15-2002, 11:15 PM
A friend of mine used those Armor All leather wipes (in the brown bottle) on his leather. It made the leather really slippery. I suspect it was the petrolium distilletes that Armor All in all its wisdom actually put into LEATHER wipes. What should I use to remove all that filth? I plan on using leatherique afterwards. On leatherique`s website, they say that the distilletes (sp?) could hinder absorption of the rej. oil, which is why I want to clean that junk off before I use it. Anyone think a MILD mixture of water and dawn would work? Of course I would not let the mixture sit on the leather...just wash with a sponge QUICKLY and wipe down; or is that just a horrid idea? I don`t know what else would break down the petrolium distilletes. Please help! :bow

C. Charles Hahn
12-15-2002, 11:23 PM
just get some Lexol pH leather cleaner.... it should work to eliminate that crap off there...