View Full Version : Is it a waste of time to use 3M SMR with a white polishing pad?

12-14-2002, 07:24 PM
I ask this because from reading all the posts and the how to`s, I notice that everyone uses a compounding pad for the SMR. I just got my pads today from CMA and I don`t want to waste a white pad on SMR if it`s not going to do anything....

I mostly just have spider webbing... I`m pretty damn anal though and most people probably wouldn`t even see what I`m talking about (normal people, not people with our sickness! :D).

I guess the only way to know is to try, and I understand that the least aggressive method is the way to try first, I just don`t want to blow a $10 pad. :)

Thanks felllas....

- Anthony

12-14-2002, 07:32 PM
why would you be blowing or wasting a $10 pad?? you do know you can reuse them.......so there`s no harm in trying.

12-14-2002, 07:40 PM
Originally posted by stanger99

why would you be blowing or wasting a $10 pad?? you do know you can reuse them.......so there`s no harm in trying.

But I thought I could only use similar type products on the same pad, even if I wash it?

12-14-2002, 07:45 PM
yeah, i have heard that from a few, but i see no reason not to reuse a pad with a different product as long as you wash well in between(right after use). for example, i have used a mild smr and then something like blackfire polish an hour later without any problems. my pads have seen so many products and with no problems:up just remember to thoroughly wash it(dawn) and make sure it is dry before you reuse it.

with my yellow cma pad, i have used:

medallion premium paint cleaner

3M finesse it

3M smr

meguiars smr


#2 fine cut


etc without any problems.

12-14-2002, 08:19 PM
Alright cool, thanks a lot! :beer: