View Full Version : Unbelievable interior fogging

12-11-2002, 09:30 PM
I just got back from one of the scariest drives in my life...miles of mountains in a `92 Corolla with the most bizarre interior fogging I`ve ever seen:

1) Regular defrost with or without A/C only cleaned the bottom 6" of the windshield

2) Use of heat with or without A/C actually made the car feel like a fog machine--with fog coming out of the vents!

3) Interior/Exterior air switching barely made a difference (exterior was better)

4) Finally settled on leaving the front windows opened and wiping the windshield every couple of minutes.

The car is now parked and still has fog the interior glass!

Any ideas whats going on? Day was dry and sunny, although it started in fog. Oh, and yesterday I treated the EXTERIOR glass with Rain-X, which I don`t think could have any impact.

I learned how to defrost windows years ago, but this one has me REALLY puzzled!


12-11-2002, 09:37 PM
Maybe there is a problem with your venting, and fresh air intake is blocked. Have you checked that there is actually a clear path to the fresh air vents? Sounds really bizarre to me, especially when the A/C won`t work.

12-11-2002, 09:56 PM
I had a similar problem last winter. I had to have my heater core replaced and the problem was solved.

12-11-2002, 10:03 PM
From what u just descibed,,it has to be heater core . If u check by the passenger side underneath the dash u will most likely find some wet spots or dampness.

12-11-2002, 10:27 PM
What I failed to mention was a slight smell from the heater--of coolant, of course!

I didn`t pay much attention to this until I described the problem to my father-in-law (who loaned us the car). Yeah, a new core is needed just like you guys said! (Gotta love Autopia--no one thought I was just an idiot and just needed to turn on the A/C)

Not much more to say from this thread...but maybe it will help someone else who has similar problems!

12-11-2002, 10:41 PM
Dang it, that was a good one! I`ll have to remember this tidbit if it ever happens to me. Thanks, guys!:bow

12-12-2002, 08:17 AM
Yep, this happend to my old `87 Jetta . . . the dealer fixed it under a TSB (technical service bulletin) that had been issued for that car; I only had to pay for the parts, which I thought was a good deal at the time. About a year later, after I`d sold the car, I got a notice from VW that there was a recall to fix the heater core (would have been free-of-charge) :rolleyes:

Oh, well, it could have been worse; according to the letter, the recall was forced by NHTSA because the heater core could rupture and spray hot coolant over the legs of driver and passenger . . . all I had to deal with was foggy windows.


12-12-2002, 09:47 AM
After the heater core is fixed clean them windows good .... ekse the antifreeze will still be there and continue to fog up....

12-12-2002, 12:31 PM
Originally posted by Guess My Name

After the heater core is fixed clean them windows good .... ekse the antifreeze will still be there and continue to fog up....

Oooh, thanks for the tip! You`re bringing me right down into my very least favorite detailing task--interior windows! Wish I had the time to order and try Autoglym or something else "exotic," (I`m on a trip) but I`ll try to find some Stoners or Sprayway...

TortoiseAWD, you cracked me up with the Jetta story. Hot coolant spraying all over the legs is second only to the "explode on rear impact" car (that was the Pinto, right?)

12-13-2002, 08:24 AM
Those vapors are _very_ bad for you; you`ll want to get right on that :)


12-14-2002, 10:19 AM
LANOTEC - Citra Force:bow

Omikron Klearview Blue



Side to side motions only

12-14-2002, 10:22 AM
Autosol is perfect for polishing and removing scratches from windows including tinted (tryed on my tinted windows)

Omikron Klearview Blue is tint safe and is also brilliant at shining chrome,alloy wheels and is safe on paintwork