View Full Version : TR3 experiences, anyone ???

12-01-2002, 10:57 PM
It was once recommended, that TR3 can/may be used to help remove water spots. This stuff has been around for some time, I remember it on the shelves as a kid, but have never used it....Well I finally bought some of the stuff, and was going to try it on some real old and damaging water spots kind of as a test, to see if it really does work....Does anyone have any experience they could share with this particular product ? And it doesnt have to be limited to assisting with water spot removal.....I did a search on it and wasnt able to come up with anything.....

12-01-2002, 11:29 PM
Hmmm.... TR3? Never heard of it. Is TR3 a company or the brand?

12-01-2002, 11:32 PM
OK, Racking My Brain..TR3 :confused: :confused: :confused:

12-01-2002, 11:46 PM
TR3 resin glaze....

used it in 1980 when the bride and I bought our 1st new car... a 1980 Datsun 310 GX.

Haven`t seen it on the shelves in years!

12-02-2002, 12:15 AM
The shine is not that great. And it does not bead at all, probably due to its synthetic nature. Meguiars #7 w/ #26 looks like a concours paint treatment in comparison, and beads like crazy. Because of this I do not know about the durability, I missed the Meguiars shine so much I just took off the Tr-3 and went back to the Meguiars.

F.Y.I. this was on white paint

12-02-2002, 05:25 PM
we had some of that in our garage when i was a kid. my poor brother used it once on his silver `79 camaro berlinetta. it baked into his paint and left a very swirly finish. and not swirly like scratches, swirly like someone applied the paint in circular motions. of course, he did it in the middle of a texas summer outdoors. but that stuff has always given me the willies since i saw that.

12-02-2002, 10:07 PM
Im going to have to give it a try, it may not be the absolute best, all I need is to get some difficult water spots off ! It doesnt really stay on the shelves here where I live. Maybe an alternative use us detailers dont know about ???

Maybe I`ll take it to work and try it on my work truck first, Ive taken good care of it, and I cant think of a better demo to try it on !!