View Full Version : Ordered BF2

Sky Wing Findin
11-29-2002, 11:29 AM
I just ordered BF2. This will be my first time using any product like it, so I wanted to ask for some tips. Which clay bar should I use before, or are they relatively the same? Any procedures anybody finds using that gives them the best results? My car is a 1996 Black Dodge Stratus. Black is nice, but never clean. (I`ve been using Eagle One cleaner/wax, and it`s nice but not durable) Any advice would be appreciated. This site rules.:bounce

11-29-2002, 11:35 AM
I would recommend getting a bar of Clay Magic at your local Auto Zone. That has to be the best clay you can get off the shelf. You can get Clay Magic in a kit that includes a bottle of QD you use as lube. Any mixture of soap and water or any other QD should work too. Just don`t use a carnauba based one. No point in wasting it. Just go back and forth in the direction the air moves over the car and you should be fine. Its pretty easy to get the hang of.

11-29-2002, 11:36 AM
Check on the Blackfire 2 review Insert drumroll here. It has excellent tips, and has my recommendations for the ultimate shine.

Make sure that it is applied very thinly, and if cold or humid, leave it on for a while to ensure that it has had time to bond. Also the BF II should not have another coat applied immediately after despite the instructions (They are for the old one).

I`ve been happy using Meguiars (best in cold since it`s not as stiff), Mothers, Clay Magic, or Eraser for clay bars. Take 2 tablespoons of car wash soap in a pint bottle and it makes an excellent lubricant.

11-30-2002, 06:13 AM
I`m getting BF2 in the near future. My question is, will freezing temps alter the product ?

11-30-2002, 10:24 AM
i have it on my car, and i applied it in the cold weather(although not freezing temps, and it was in a garage). Im still curious as to how long it will last on my car through the winter?

11-30-2002, 01:58 PM
Blackfire is a good 3 month product. Being out in the cold shouldn`t hurt it any. Its the warm weather that you have to worry about. If anything, cold weather should help it last as long as it can. Expect about 3 months between applications. BF2 may last longer. It hasn`t been out long enough to really test though.