View Full Version : nuttin better....

Redcar GUY
11-24-2002, 08:56 AM
I woke up early today and couldnt go back to sleep.... I had 3hrs to waste so I decided to go out to the garage and get the SS all cleaned up for a cruise to Church. It is a brisk 27 here. Nuttin better than starting the day with the Smell of Z7(had`nt smelled it in a long time), I hadnt drivin the SS for about 3 weeks because of the weather is crappy here, it was sooooo dusty. I hadnt planned on driving it for a wile but today it is going to be nice out. So now I am done with the car and getting ready to go. Now I get to wear my new RED Autopia shirt to Church, man life is nice:)

Keep the shiny side up folks:)

PS, Heated garage+car+cold outside air = Fogged up everything:(

11-24-2002, 10:30 AM
Red Autopia shirt :(

I was wondering if David B was going to start selling those....

C. Charles Hahn
11-24-2002, 11:26 AM
what if I keep the "lil detlr" side up instead of the "shiny" side?? LOL.

:up have a gr8 one!