View Full Version : Finally used Quick & Easy Wash today

11-21-2002, 02:58 AM
Since the weather was cooperating today for a change (pretty warm in the sun) I finally got a chance to try out my Protect All Quick & Easy Wash.

I decided to just mix 2 quarts as per the instructions and see how that worked out. Right away though, I almost laughed at how much water that actually was in the bucket! My first few tries at cleaning a surface were hard to dry because I think I was applying too much and I had a lot dripping off and a lot to wipe up. After a while I found I was squeezing out more solution from my mitt than I would for a normal wash. I came to consider it not so much as "washing" in the normal sense, but rather as "applying while rubbing lightly" because I found I was aiming to leave a certain amount of solution behind. I hope this way of using it is okay (or right)? :nixweiss

Using this stuff at first is a strange experience. Once mixed up the solution seems to be just like plain water with a slight bluish tint and odor. It does not suds up or feel lubricative or slippery like a normal car shampoo at all. It`s a bit unnerving and distressing at first, really. Some other member here in another recent thread voiced similar concerns about its water-like nature. That said, QEW does actually clean just as well as a regular car soap. :up You can see the dirt suspended in the droplets left behind, and some gets transferred to the mitt.

It took me almost an hour total, partially because drying effectively was trickier than expected and I was stymied by towels that weren`t as absorbant as I`d have liked. In the end though, my car was sparkling clean and the pitiful amount of QEW solution left in the bottom of the bucket was filthy. The mitt still rinsed out easily afterwards though.

Some other notes:

- About the way I "apply" it. I kind of wonder if this is why they suggest only 2 quarts for a car? They also suggest a cloth or sponge, like you were applying something, not a mitt like you were washing... I`m considering buying a cloth/chenille pad like Scott uses because of the way I ended up using it.

- As mentioned, it wipes off much easier if the surface is waxed. My roof (was) still bare from a repaint and it was hard to wipe it up without streaks and water trails.

- I found the best way (so far) is to use the first one to dry it to the point where very little solution is left behind. Like to where the droplets are about the size of a pinhead. Then switch to the final drying towel. Any advice would be appreciated of course. As a CWB user, total drying by towel only is new to me.

- Cotton towels can lint a lot, especially when new.... (A CCD pass afterwards fixed this though.)

- You know what QEW solution smells like? It smells like Klasse SG! Wierd eh?

I figure once I get my technique down better I`ll start to like this product a bit more and start realizing some real time savings! :p It was still nice not having standing lakes of icy water to step in though.

11-21-2002, 08:48 AM
I tried mine for the first time on Monday morning when it was about 45 degrees outside. I put two capfuls in about a gallon of water (my car was not very dirty). I used my wash mitt and washed the car just like I normally would from top to bottom except I only did sections at a time and then dried. I was using two MF towels to dry (one to get most of the water and the 2nd to finish) and this worked pretty well except the next time I will dry with Big Blue or another waffle weave MF.


1. The car was really clean and upon inspection I saw no swirling, streaks or other negative stuff to report.

2. I used the last of the water to do my wheels and it worked well also (normally do them first but since the car was already dry I thought why not do these as well).

3. I cut my normal wash time by about 1/3. I saved time on not having to get the hose out and roll it back up, not having to rinse, not nearly as much time to drain and clean up drips from mirrors, trunk, and doors. It also seemed like my wash mitt cleaned up a little easier than normal which I found odd.

Overall I was really pleased and look forward to being able to quickly wash my car during the winter months much more often. Now I can use my S100 all winter long.

This product is the real deal for extremely cold weather or for water restrictions. With so many people on here not reporting anything negative about this product I am even considering this as a year round wash but I guess I will see how I feel abouth that come spring. By then I will have probably found another must have product.

11-21-2002, 02:46 PM
two weeks ago and LOVED the results.

Followed Scottwax`s intructions to the letter and frankly I was stunned how well the product worked.

Considering the time saved completely drying your car after a regular hand wash the Q&E is great.

I too was thinking why would I want to wash the regular way after learning this way.

Anybody have any thoughts on this?

Scottwax, do you ALWAYS use Q&E?

Can the Q&E method replace a regular wash?



11-21-2002, 05:07 PM
Used it the same way as OutlawTitan and great results. I too were a little nervous at first as it seemed that I was applying instead of washing. I cleaned the wheels too.


11-21-2002, 05:41 PM
Hmm, I just read in some past threads that people use a cotton towel, and then a MF. I was using two cottons. I guess I`ll switch to MF for the final wipe and see if that works better (probably).

I`ll bet you could use QEW to wash out the door jams better too without having to rinse and worry less about where water is going.

One downside to using QEW all the time (and no hose) is that you aren`t able to rinse out the undercarriage and wheelwells. Also you can`t use traditional wheel/tire cleaners if you need them. But for washing the paint I don`t really see why you can`t use this all the time... :nixweiss

11-21-2002, 08:48 PM

I used QEW almost exclusively-I have a couple of customers who prefer I use a hose and regular car wash soap and pay me extra since it does take longer-they know QEW won`t scratch their cars, but they still seem to feel better if I wash their cars conventionally. As long as they pay me more, fine by me.

My own car is washed with QEW 99 times out of 100. The only time I use a hose (mostly just at the local self serve car wash-don`t use the foam brush, just my own mitts and car wash soap) is after it snows here and they sand the streets-luckily that may be 2-3 times a year at the most.

You can use QEW and a hose if you want-you will be amazed at how the water beads up after you rinse the QEW off. It would be a good way to wash if your car is particulary nasty or muddy. In addition, there is no temptation to use more than necessary since it doesn`t make suds, so you won`t use extra just to get more suds.


If you have a fender brush, you can get your fenderwells with QEW and if necessary, have a bucket of rinse water you can follow the QEW with and the fenderwells will look really nice.

Mr. Clean
11-21-2002, 09:04 PM
It seems it was a week for Protect All. I too broke out the QEW I have had sitting in the garage. I thought I would try it out before winter mandated its use.

I had practiced before using QEW for washing my tires and wheels, following with an application of Protect All cleaner/polish/wax. I mixed 1 oz QEW to 1 gallon of water and washed the tires and wheels. I then moved on to the car.

I mixed 1 oz to one gallon of warm water. I also filled a second bucket for rinsing my sponge. Following directions I washed one panel at a time, drying with a white Fieldcrest Regency 100% cotton towel on the first pass and a MicroberTech Ultra MF for the second pass. I used only the weight of the towel for drying, no pressure. The first thing I noticed was, even while making my first pass very light, there wasn`t much moisture left for the MF pass. The second thing I noticed was there were signs of "dirt" on the white towel. Not used to seeing any dirt on my drying towel while doing a "normal wash" gave me cause to pause, but I pressed on.

I completed the wash without any wash water left over and a very dirty rinse bucket. Surprising, because I really didn`t think the car was that dirty.

I followed the wash with Mequiar`s Quik Detailer buffed with Microfiber Tech`s Elite towel.

Conclusion, I will agree with all that have gone before me using this product, the product works. The car was visually as clean as when using traditional wash methods. It was certainly odd to see the driveway dry after completing the wash. QEWs use is not exactly intuitive for me and I will need more practice before I will be totally comfortable working with it.

11-21-2002, 10:01 PM
I too am a convert to QEW under the guidance of Scottwax. I love this stuff. I use it on all my personal cars and my customer’s vehicles. I will use three buckets for really dirty vehicles and do a second clean water rinse before dunking back in the QEW bucket. I use MF towels for drying and do one panel at a time. You can also use it to clean the inside of the windows and the door jams. The more you use it, the easier it gets.

I have also noticed something very strange and I can only attribute it to the QEW. My wifes car had plastic headlights which where starting to yellow. Since I have been cleaning her car with QEW, they have started to clear up and are almost completely clear now. At first I thought I must be mistaken but I also wash my neighbors Lincoln which sits out side all year round. When I started, her head light lenses where also yellowed. I usually was her car every week now, since early September and her lenses are clearing up too. I wonder if any other long time user of QEW has noticed this.

I also put QEW in a 3 gallon weed spray bottle and use a fan nozzle to spray off muddy lower rocker panels and inside the fender wells. Spray it down and then use a long handle brush and then rinse again.

Then I use either Armor All Tire Foam or Stoner Trim Shine to spray the wheel well to help bring the black back.

11-22-2002, 09:10 AM
Well, after reading all the threads on this product, I am going out this morning to get some. Found a dealer at a RV store who has the 32 oz bottle for $16, so here I go. I think it will be great as regular washing weather is getting slim. Getting the hose out and washing in 40 degree weather is a pain. Will let you all know what I think.


11-22-2002, 01:46 PM
For the response.

The QEW is a product that seems too good to be true, but in this case-it is true!

I will probably use QEW more often than not from here on out to wash my car.

Doesn`t rain or snow much here in ABQ. so there is not a lot of heavy cleaning to do.

I find also if you keep the car in tip-top shape (waxed, etc.) it is easier to clean.

I bought a bottle of that Protect All cleaner/polish/wax Mr. Clean mentioned in Wal-Mart and have used it as a detailer after using the CCD to dust off the car. Works real well.

I don`t see many people talking about this product here...I wonder what others think of this stuff? :nixweiss

Seems to work very wel-maybe better than Meguirer`s QD...l


11-22-2002, 02:28 PM
Originally posted by domZ`sp5

I bought a bottle of that Protect All cleaner/polish/wax Mr. Clean mentioned in Wal-Mart and have used it as a detailer after using the CCD to dust off the car. Works real well.

I don`t see many people talking about this product here...I wonder what others think of this stuff? :nixweiss

Seems to work very wel-maybe better than Meguirer`s QD... I don`t think many people use it because it sounds like a one-step cleaner wax. It`s not a QD that`s for sure. Since it says it cleans/polishes/waxes I`d be worried about it stripping off whatever I`d put underneath it...

11-22-2002, 03:50 PM
Wow, Sounds cool!.

I went and searched through old threads like a good little boy, but didn`t see any mention of it.

Are any of you, or have you ever used this and then applied Zaino to your car? I`m just wondering how `important` the Z7 step is to the Zaino Experience(tm).

Sounds interesting enough.

Mr. Clean
11-22-2002, 05:15 PM
To date, I have only used on my clearcoated wheels. I have not used on the car`s paint, although the website and associated literature indicates that is its intended purpose. It states that it contains carnuba wax and is safe for clear coated finishes. It is advertised to be safe for vinyl, rubber, and finished leather. Leaving an anti-static finish with UV blockers, and no power residue. Oh yeah, and non abrasive to boot. Wow, sounds too good to be true, but then so does the wash. Maybe I`ll try it on my father-in-law`s car. As for the wheels, easy to apply and it does leave a really slick feel to them, though it does not seem to a silver bullet for brake dust buildup.