View Full Version : delayed coatings of SG; reprepping; P21S

11-17-2002, 10:02 PM
mmkay, when I get Klasse, I`m gonna wash, AIO, SG. Obviously.

But from monday to friday, I`ll have put on about 200 or 250 miles or so (depending) on the first layer of SG. Is a Meg`s Gold Class wash sufficient to prepare for coat no. 2 of SG?

And once I get to the fourth or fifth coat, what do I do about upkeep? Or what do I do about upkeep if I top w/ P21S? :bounce

After time (as in years), what happens to all those first coats of SG?

11-17-2002, 10:54 PM
IMO, yes. I only wash btwn layers of SG if I had to drive it (while in the layering mode).

Upkeep for me is a carnuba/wax free QD: Eagle One is very inexpensive and works great. I use SG quite often. Once you commit to the topper then a QD will help that upkeep too. You`ll just need to find a QD you like. EF Clear Pearl, Omega 1Grand are awesome.

If you have the time you can just use more P21s.

11-17-2002, 11:07 PM
Actually, I just got a bottle of Meg`s QD. I was planning on using that when I`m not washing.

So, once I finish those five or so SG coats, I`ll have to decide on a topper or not. Is it true that the wax can slowly eat away at the sealant? Any suggestions on topping vs. not topping?

And, what happens to those first coats of SG w/ all that stuff on top of them.... will all of this ever intentionally be stripped or what? Will I just have to P21S or another pure wax for upkeep and that`s it?

11-18-2002, 04:11 AM
Originally posted by Polaris

.... will all of this ever intentionally be stripped or what? Sure, like when you get the urge to do it all over again! :D

Seriously, it doesn`t need to be ever stripped at all, and the only reason why people do it is so they can polish up their car once or twice a year, depending on how much wear and tear your paint sees. Or if they switch products.

It`s often advantageous to QD after washing too, not jusst when you`re not washing.

It may be true that some waxes may eat away at the sealant, but no one knows for sure. I`m pretty sure that no one`s ever reported a pure wax stripping the SG off though. Just recently, the subject of paint (colour) transferring to the applicator or pad when waxing has been brought up. However, in almost all those cases they are when a liquid wax was used, and not a paste (no paint transfer with these). This sort of follows because liquid waxes have more/different solvents in them to stay runny. That doesn`t automatically mean that they`ll strip SG, it just means that liquid waxes are more "solventy". Because of this I`ve decided that in the future my first wax topper coat should be a paste, just incase.

11-18-2002, 10:54 AM
4Dsc has made a good point. I use AIO then 5xSG then top it with PS21 (or souvergn for the black car). I do drive once in a while 400miles+ over the weekend. I have only good results and recommend applying a carnauba on SG. In winter there is no need (since you need the temperature to be at 50-60 F to wax, and carnauba does not last too long as compared to a sealant) but I do it anyways, I am a fanatic and love the combo.

Use your Meguiars QD (I use it) it will work real nicely. I also use EF clear pearl and Pinnacle crystal mist. All are great. The meguiars FI or quik mist is as effective but not as slippery in feel. You can use it inbetween/before any SG application and as a toupup for PS21.

Using Meguiars gold class wash is great (I do) and is all that you would need. It would be good to get one of those bug (scracthless) scrub pads to use on the front bumper after the long drives (pinnacle has a good one). :up