View Full Version : SHould i even buy a PC?

11-16-2002, 02:46 AM
i was trying to find this topic, but i couldn`t so here it is. I have a brand new civic ex 02 and ive washed it regularly and had it protected since the day i got it. SInce ive been on autopia, ppl have always talked about a pc for applying products. im thinking, ok, i should get a pc so that ill get my detailing done in less time. well, from what i hear, ppl only use the pc to prep there finishes and say that using it for a wax with a pc doesn`t do good. Should i listen to this and not buy a pc, or should i still consider one?

11-16-2002, 03:47 AM
i only use mine to remove swirls.

11-16-2002, 05:33 AM
If I had a car with a perfect (or very good) finish that was well maintained and swirl-free already, I probably wouldn`t. It could probably be maintained with hand polishing when it needs it. The big strength of the PC is indeed in surface prep, not casual waxing.

In my case, I don`t really need it for my own car either, but because there are a few other cars I will work on that DO need a PC, that`s what sent me over the edge and made me decide I did need one.

11-16-2002, 06:52 AM
I have a 99 Passat and have been applying everything by hand, including SMR, polishes, waxes, sealants, etc. I still want to buy a PC, but mainly for two things: 1. I think it might apply the SMR better, and 2. To save time (and my arm!) when I do those marathon sessions on my car.

I use P21S products and Klasse, and I don`t know if using a PC will make it look any better (it already looks damn good). But I hope to get one for Christmas, and then I`ll try it out and see!

For the time being, I have been spending my $ (what little I have) on getting quality products, and good MF towels....!


11-16-2002, 08:46 AM
Originally posted by Abercrombie2582

well, from what i hear, ppl only use the pc to prep there finishes and say that using it for a wax with a pc doesn`t do good.

Who says that? I think a lot of people just like the extra attention you give when hand-applying protectants. The PC does an excellent job of this, though. Maybe if you use pastes it might not be worth the trouble, but otherwise it is very easy and quick. I use the PC for everything. I find for products like Blackfire and Klasse SG that it is much easier to spread the product out than it would be by hand. I can spread a drop of SG out to a 2`x3` panel very easily with the PC, whereas I have trouble doing this by hand (you have to be real quick or it starts to dry up). You`ll still need some foam pads as there are some parts you just can`t get with the PC, but this just takes a moment after you`ve finished PC`ing the car.

I also find that a PC works great for all-in-one products like when I use AIO or MPPP because it works the cleaners and polishes in better and quicker. I really love the even, consistent coating that the PC puts down. The only time I don`t use the PC is when applying a paste like #26 or Souveran.

11-16-2002, 08:53 AM
Almost any liquid-based product will be easier to apply and work better if applied by PC. Even Zaino is supposed to work well with it, although I apply that by hand.

Paste products are best applied by hand - that`s why they`re formulated that way.

A PC will not only make the job go quicker but apply the product more evenly, and obviously is less tiring. Plus the ability to switch pads means you have more control over how aggressive you want the polishing action to be.

So I guess the main advantage of a machine is consistency. You can`t consider yourself an OCD Autopian without one.

11-16-2002, 11:30 AM
I use my R.O. just for the ease of application. I can cut application time in half and I am of the opinion that it works the wax or polish in more thouroughly and evenly. I also find I can get a thinner, more even coat which makes removing the product alot easier. All that aside, I just like having tools...I`m a little freaky like that.

11-16-2002, 05:50 PM
so basically any liquids i can use a pc for right? like glazes, polishes, polymers(bf and klasse)? I figured that on paste waxes that it be harder to apply by machine, but that doesn`t bug me. The real reason i want to buy one is to have a better prepped surface and use it for glazes and polymers, but for paste waxes, ill apply them by hand. Plus my familys cars are a wreck, so having a pc would prolly be beneficial!!!

11-16-2002, 07:35 PM
I have a rotary (Makita) and a Orbital (Dewalt). For an everyday drive I would atleast get an orbital for polishing.

I use a rotary because a lot of people`s cars I have to do are total dogs. They haven`t been waxed and are covered in swirls, oxidations, and scratches, which calls for a rotary.

If I had a garage queen that I rarely every drove, then I would care for it competely by hand. That is coming from someone who loves his rotary and orbital and uses them daily. Nothing beats a good hand job!

11-16-2002, 08:01 PM
LOL! "nothing beats a good hand j*b". gives new meaning to karate kid- "wax on, wacks off".

brings me back to 8th grade.

come on now!

11-16-2002, 08:28 PM
I only use my PC for removing swirls (the only reason i got it). It just sits in my garage most of the time until I need it. I apply everything else by hand. Your Civic is probably the same size as my Corolla, so it shouldn`t take too long to apply a product. If you had a huge SUV or something, then the PC might be a better choice.

C. Charles Hahn
11-16-2002, 10:12 PM
Don`t buy a PC, buy a MAC instead!! :xyxthumbs (kidding, kidding)

actually the above is good advice. If you feel that you can adequately care for your finish by hand, and are dilligent about keeping it up, you dont really HAVE to have a PC.

11-17-2002, 12:28 AM
Originally posted by Shiny Lil Detlr

Don`t buy a PC, buy a MAC instead!! :xyxthumbs (kidding, kidding)

actually the above is good advice. If you feel that you can adequately care for your finish by hand, and are dilligent about keeping it up, you dont really HAVE to have a PC.

Hey bro, how much zaino do you put on a pad? 1 dimne size blot? How many panels can you spread thin with the PC? Mine just came yesterday :bounce

C. Charles Hahn
11-17-2002, 05:45 PM
I`d say a dime sized blob is about right.... at first if you`re applying Zaino by the PC it might take a bit more than that to "prime the pad" with product, but after that you can get by with that.... I would think you could easilly get 2 quarter pannels out of a drop this size, or the whole hood (I usually start with the hood anyways to prime the pad.... that way I`m getting the most product worked into the hood)

but on a black truck, I would just go until the product is thin enough that you can`t see any spreading out anymore.

11-18-2002, 03:53 PM
I like to "prime" the pad using a butterknife.

As much as I like P21S carnauba, I`m looking into getting a bottle of Liquid Souveran because I prefer applying everything by machine.