View Full Version : Zaino vs. S100 on the Teg

11-10-2002, 02:15 AM
Well I got home from work Wednesday to see my S100 came in the mail. The weather has been bad all week, but we got a 70 degree day here today so I couldn`t wait to try it out. I started with a Dawn wash to prep, dried, and then I went to town. The shine is everything I thought it would be from reading the testimonials on this board...simply amazing. I`ve been using Zaino for the past 3 months, but I think I am going to "convert" to the S100 side. I don`t know if the shine is that much better than Zaino...it`s hard to tell...but I like how easy it is to use (I prefer paste over liquid). Either way Zaino and S100 are both great products...I think it is just a matter of which application method you prefer. You can`t go wrong with either one.

I was going to take some pics, but it was slightly overcast so I didn`t even bother.

Thanks everyone for your testimonials/information! This board is a wealth of knowledge!

11-10-2002, 02:19 AM
The only thing I dislike about S100 is that it doesnt last as long. I see you decided to switch to a carnuba right before winter?

11-10-2002, 02:27 AM
Originally posted by FNG

I see you decided to switch to a carnuba right before winter?

Yeah I thought about that. I am just hoping for a mild KC winter (knock on wood).

11-10-2002, 02:31 AM
If I remember right, last year wasnt mild at all. 2 inch thick ice storm overnight which knocked out power to a few neighborhoods and killed 9-10 people because they ran a generator in the garage.

11-11-2002, 08:54 AM
I don`t believe dawn removes Zaino so you now have Zaino topped by S100 which is a nice combo IMHO.

11-11-2002, 12:03 PM
Originally posted by FNG

The only thing I dislike about S100 is that it doesnt last as long. I see you decided to switch to a carnuba right before winter?

The switch is perfectly fine. Actually, the switch is not a switch but a topping of the Zaino. He still has the Zaino base for protection when the carnuaba wears off. Very good combination even in the severe weather climates. All he needs in one good day a month to top again with P21S/S100. Wash with Z7 and he will also be re-enforcing the Zaino coats prior to re-applying the carnuaba.:wavey

11-11-2002, 07:02 PM
Originally posted by White968

I don`t believe dawn removes Zaino so you now have Zaino topped by S100 which is a nice combo IMHO.

Yeah I could tell the Dawn didn`t remove all of the Zaino. It was still beading when I was rinsing it off. I am very happy with the outcome :D The only negative is that it attracts dust like a magnet.

11-12-2002, 09:17 AM
If you like the look of the P21S over the Zaino but dislike the dust attraction an excellent alternative is the "new" Blackfire Protectant. It can be layered over the Zaino base and really adds depth and wetness to dark colored vehicles. All of this is done without loosing clarity or reflectivity. Dust attraction is actually less that Zaino only. I have done the Zaino alone, Zaino topped with P21S, Zaino topped with Meg #26, Zaino topped with the original Blackfire formulation, Zaino topped with a mixture of the original Blackfire and Zaino Z2/Z5, and lastly Zaino topped with the new version of Blackfire. I love the final trial ( Zaino topped with the new Blackfire). Some on this board have even topped the extremely satisfying finish of Blackfire 2 with a carnuaba ( Souveran and P21S/S100) with enhanced results.

That is what so good and exciting about this hobby. There are many fine products and route to take to forfill ones vehicle appearance desires.:xyxthumbs :wavey

11-17-2002, 09:56 PM
Whatever happened to the notion that perhaps the solvents found in carnauba wax actually remove the Zaino? I have heard that neither the Zaino base nor the carnauba topper look particularly good when combined.