View Full Version : Prep before Klasse

11-09-2002, 05:13 PM
I am going to try and get some winter protection on my car over the next two days. Back in July, I had used P21S cleaner and wax and have only followed up with washings every week or two. I washed the car today with regular car wash, but did not do a dawn wash. The paint still feels very clean. I have two questions relative to further prep before using the AIO and SG:

1) Since its been quite a while (~ 4 months) do I still really need to do a dawn wash before using Klasse?

2) I have some light swirl marks (its a black car); is it OK to use the P21S cleanser or perhps IHG before the Klasse to minimize the swirls or will such products cause a problem following with Klasse.



11-09-2002, 08:21 PM
1) If you`re using AIO don`t bother with Dawn.

2) You can try the cleanser or (better) use a swirl remover or some other paint cleaner. Either one may work to reduce the swirls. The P21S stuff is pretty gentle (maybe too gentle) from what I`ve heard. Just do what you can with the polish, then go right to AIO.

11-10-2002, 08:26 AM
Thanks Brian, that will save me some extra work!


11-10-2002, 08:46 AM
I had the same issue, black car with swirls and light scratches. I used Medallion Paint Cleaner before AIO. I used a my PC on it and worked it till dry. Went over some areas a couple of times. Over 3 days I put on 3 coats of SG and then a coat of S100. Works great.

11-11-2002, 10:18 AM
I am very impressed with Klasse!! This is the first time I have tried it and I`m very pleased with the results (sorry no pic). I used the P21S cleanser prior to AIO and I think it improved the situation a little, but nevertheless, I still have some minor swirls/scatches. I didn`t have a suitable swirl remover handy yesterday, so I`ll have to deal with those problems after the winter is over.

The AIO was very easy to apply and remove. As to the SG, I let is sit over night before removing. Tried to remove with dry microfiber, and yek, bad streaking. Then I remembered the post on Autopia about using a wet MF, followed by a dry, well it worked like a charm. Car has never looked so good. I may try for another coat of SG today, but I must admit I`m pretty sore from all the bending and hand buffing (big problem being over 50).

Thanks guys for all the good advice, this is such a terrific forum to learn from. Next year on to the PC!!!


Doug :D

11-11-2002, 02:26 PM
Glad things worked out well! :xyxthumbs

11-11-2002, 03:51 PM

From my experience with Klasse, it is best to apply three or more coats of SG over the AIO. SG layers well, ans forms a pretty tough surface against winter grime. It seems that two really helps the longevity and three seems to be ideal. If you get some nice weather between now and the cold weather, try another coat ot two. They actually are easier to apply/remove the more coats you have on. Seems you can apply it thinner with each one.
