View Full Version : Little Black Spots??

11-07-2002, 10:56 AM
When I was washing my car this past weekend (Sliver GTI) I noticed some really small little black dots in various places over the car. I didn`t really notice how many there were until I was drying the car. When I was washing, the ones that I did see came off with a little elbow grease, but it was a pain in the you know what and I don`t feel comfortable scrubbing my paint real hard.

Do you guys think these spots are tar? I can "pick" them off with my fingernail, but it usually ends up smearing some and creates more work in washing it off. They are really small dots, about the size of.....well, if you took an ink pen and just put a dot on a piece of paper....kinda like a period. You don`t notice them unless you look closely.

Am I going to have to use a tar remover to get them off easier? And if you don`t think it`s tar, any ideas? Any other tricks? I`m going to wash it again today and make sure I get them all off.

Thanks for any input.

Green Monster
11-07-2002, 11:32 AM
I ask the same question about a month ago (http://www.autopia.org/forums/showthread.php?s=&threadid=15269&highlight=Brown+Spots) :nixweiss

11-07-2002, 11:36 AM
Originally posted by Green Monster

I ask the same question about a month ago (http://www.autopia.org/forums/showthread.php?s=&threadid=15269&highlight=Brown+Spots) :nixweiss

I don`t think this is the same. These spots are definitely black, not brown and they are not easy to remove. This is what makes me think it might be tar.

My car has 4 coats of SG on it and the spots do not just wash off like somebody said in the thread you linked me to. I have to scrub like crazy to get them off and I don`t like scrubbing my paint like that.

Thanks for the info and the reply though.:xyxthumbs

11-07-2002, 12:43 PM
Have you tried body clay?

They could be industrial fall out...

Clean car then insert fingers in plastic baggy and feel the specs....if you feel them the clay should remove them....

11-07-2002, 12:43 PM
I believe it`s tar. I get that a lot lately because of the new road constructions around here. I get out my bug and tar remover and took them out without using any energy. Remember to put a little bit of wax over the place where you rubbed the remover solution. Good luck!

11-07-2002, 12:48 PM
Originally posted by Guess My Name

Have you tried body clay?

They could be industrial fall out...

Clean car then insert fingers in plastic baggy and feel the specs....if you feel them the clay should remove them....

This is something that just showed up between my weekly washing. It wasn`t there the week before, but it was when I washed this past weekend.

I more I think about it the more I think it`s just tar. I just think it`s weird that they are such small dots? I always think of big marks when I think of tar.

Thanks for the input though

11-07-2002, 12:50 PM
Originally posted by ExplEddieBauer

I believe it`s tar. I get that a lot lately because of the new road constructions around here. I get out my bug and tar remover and took them out without using any energy. Remember to put a little bit of wax over the place where you rubbed the remover solution. Good luck!

Yeah, I work in Durham and I take the back roads to work from Sanford. They`ve been doing a lot of new contruction on HWY 751 and Fayetteville Rd. by the new mall.

That`s probably what it is.

What bug and tar remover do you use? I`ve never had to use any before?

11-07-2002, 01:01 PM
I believe that spiders can create such marks as well. They are not easily removed. I have found that only knocking the tops off (a bit of clay or something of that nature) and a bit of a chemical based polish or cleaner (such as AIO) is a good way to rid yourself of the evidence. The problem is, it will continue unless the varmint is found.


11-07-2002, 03:12 PM
Originally posted by derrickm

Yeah, I work in Durham and I take the back roads to work from Sanford. They`ve been doing a lot of new contruction on HWY 751 and Fayetteville Rd. by the new mall.

That`s probably what it is.

What bug and tar remover do you use? I`ve never had to use any before?

Yeah, and on Louisburg (off of Capitol) and I-40. Gosh, I absolutely hate the traffic on 40.

I use the Turtle Wax brand since I have one lying on the shelf for a long time. I`ll get a better one when I run out.

11-07-2002, 03:18 PM
The behaviour of these spots sound like tar to me. Usually they get flung off the road from other cars while you`re driving - hence the tiny spots.... everywhere. :mad:

Just be aware that any tar remover you use will probably strip off whatever wax or protection you have on that spot too.

11-07-2002, 03:29 PM
Originally posted by Black99miata

I believe that spiders can create such marks as well. They are not easily removed. I have found that only knocking the tops off (a bit of clay or something of that nature) and a bit of a chemical based polish or cleaner (such as AIO) is a good way to rid yourself of the evidence. The problem is, it will continue unless the varmint is found.


I used to have that problem when I lived in columbia. We called them "spider spots". They were the worst. That was one thing I was thinking it could be.

11-07-2002, 10:16 PM
yeah i get them too.. they are bad.

It is also really hard to get them off with clay... and it makes waxing a lot harder. it gives the rough sound when u buff.

normally when im washing i run my hand over the paint to feel for the spots, and then carefully dislodge it with my fingernail and then make a mental note, later on polish that area.