View Full Version : #26

11-03-2002, 03:14 PM
I wax my car every week with #26? And I polish/wax every 2 months? Is this a waste?

Thanks for the time:bounce

11-03-2002, 03:55 PM
What do you mean a waste? If you like spending the time, then it`s certainly not a waste. #26 is pretty durable, though, and could probably go two months easy. So, maybe you want to just wax every two weeks or every month and spend the time detailing other parts of the car? You also could probably polish just once or twice a year if you are looking to save some time.

Are you happy with the way #26 performs, and with the way the car looks? Or are you looking to change? #26 is certainly a good wax with nice looks and great durability. Plus, it`s cheapish and easy to find locally. I`m not sure if you want to spend less time detailing, or what? Maybe you could expound a bit?

11-03-2002, 04:00 PM
Originally posted by giirth

I wax my car every week with #26? And I polish/wax every 2 months? Is this a waste?

In normal conditions, I would say it`s definitely too frequent. Carnaubas often don`t look their best until about 3 weeks has gone by. I don`t know how to describe, but when washed a few weeks later it looks even deeper and richer. When Layering for winter I always try to use at least that interval because then I`m sure the wax has completely cured. I prefer every 4 weeks. Good balance. If you`re using #26 Paste it won`t harm your finish.

The polishing can wear down the finish so I don`t use it more than 2 times a year. Never found it to be needed more if the waxing is kept up.

11-03-2002, 04:09 PM
26 is being well out lased by P21s here, still beading after 6 weeks, on one half of my dads vans hood, the 26 applied the same time isnt beading at all.

11-03-2002, 08:13 PM
Their tech support recommended 6 week intervals. If 4 week intervals are used regularly #26 will perform very well, at a heck of a lot lower price. P21S is a breeze to use however.

11-03-2002, 09:07 PM
I wasn`t going for the "waste of time," mainly the waste of product. And wasn`t sure of the "true interval" vs/what you guys personal views/usage interval! I love waxing/cleaning my Jeep, it always seems to leave me relaxed (Don`t ask).

As for #26 I really like the product, always leaves a great bead job (and easy to get). And, now that I have including a polish my paint looks twice as good. Before I was using clay, 3m swirl and #26.

Thanks for the tips, I`ll wait 3 weeks and see where the paint is and go from there. And for polish, I should only do it every 6 months? Don`t they add oils for clearity to the paint? I`ve been using #9 by hand every 2 months and ALWAYS notice a difference in slickness/depth.

Thanks, again, for the time...


11-03-2002, 10:40 PM
Originally posted by giirth

And for polish, I should only do it every 6 months? Don`t they add oils for clearity to the paint? I`ve been using #9 by hand every 2 months and ALWAYS notice a difference in slickness/depth.

It depends if you mean "polishing" as in glazing, or "polishing" as in real polishing the way the rest of the non-Meguiar`s world considers it.

You can glaze as often as you`d like, but I wouldn`t use #9 that frequently myself since it does have some abrasive cut to it (however mild). Usually people only do a annual or biannual polishing job where they strip everything down and use some kind of abrasive or swirl remover to undo the damage left from months of weathering.

11-03-2002, 10:54 PM
I put #26 on my car over two months ago (28 August) and it still looks great and beads great. If you like Meguiar`s products, I would suggest #7 Show Car Glaze. It really made the car shine. As I understand it, #7 is mostly oils and no abrasives, so you can use it often. The #7 doesn`t have any durability, but the #26 seems to lock it in.

P.S. I used the liquid #26, I think the paste #26 would work even better.

11-04-2002, 07:34 AM
Originally posted by Taxlady

I put #26 on my car over two months ago (28 August) and it still looks great and beads great. If you like Meguiar`s products, I would suggest #7 Show Car Glaze. It really made the car shine. As I understand it, #7 is mostly oils and no abrasives, so you can use it often. The #7 doesn`t have any durability, but the #26 seems to lock it in.

P.S. I used the liquid #26, I think the paste #26 would work even better.

Yep, #26 is a fine, inexpensive, readily available wax with grerat durability. Like Taxlady says, using along with #7 really makes it glow. Both #7 Show Car Glaze and #5 New Car Glaze would be safe to use every time you wax.

I also use the paste form of #26 vs. the liquid.

11-04-2002, 07:40 AM
Id neverwory about wasting products i wax my car every week with at leats on coat of liquid 26, P21s or Blitz If the suface after washing doesnt feel as good as it could i awlays use no 7 or megs hand polish. Always want the car to look its best

11-04-2002, 08:08 AM
Originally posted by giirth

I wasn`t going for the "waste of time," mainly the waste of product. And wasn`t sure of the "true interval" vs/what you guys personal views/usage interval! I love waxing/cleaning my Jeep, it always seems to leave me relaxed (Don`t ask).

As for #26 I really like the product, always leaves a great bead job (and easy to get). And, now that I have including a polish my paint looks twice as good. Before I was using clay, 3m swirl and #26.

Thanks for the tips, I`ll wait 3 weeks and see where the paint is and go from there. And for polish, I should only do it every 6 months? Don`t they add oils for clearity to the paint? I`ve been using #9 by hand every 2 months and ALWAYS notice a difference in slickness/depth.

Thanks, again, for the time...


If you really like spending the time every week to wax your car, have you tried Meguiar`s Gold Class wax? It would be perfect for you because it only lasts a few weeks to a month. And I think it really looks incredible. You can still use a polish like #7 under it for extra appeal. If you`ve never tried it, you might pick up a bottle. Even though I`ve found other favorites, I`m still impressed by how well Gold Class wax looks when I use it. And it`s very easy to use. Just a thought, though...

11-04-2002, 08:50 AM
I thought it was concluded the mild cleaners in gold class would remove no 7?

11-04-2002, 03:58 PM
Originally posted by RichPug306xsi

I thought it was concluded the mild cleaners in gold class would remove no 7? Ugh - this is an old and inconclusive debate! :p

Some say the cleaners are so mild and faint that GC won`t get rid of all the #7 and you will still see benefit. Others say that it will clean it off. If it were me, I`d try a 1/2 and 1/2 test and see how I like it.

BTW, Mothers also makes a very good and fairly inexpensive glaze that you can also pick up just as easily as GC.

11-04-2002, 06:51 PM
so it won`t remove the initial oils. I like multiple layers of wax myself. Great depth and gloss. But every application of #7 and more so with #9 will remove layers that you painstakingly applied before. Both are mild, but have diatomaceous (sp?) clay that breaks down with use. Most of my cars are outside 24 X 7, winter or summer, and have still looked great even when I went 7 months with out glazing or waxing. Finish still looked great that fall. I was testing #26 Paste durability. Ironically, what was good for one summer was poor the next. It got much hotter, and the Carnauba on the dark car melted away in the 100+ heat. Holds up much better when even slightly cooler. If you want real layering, stick with #26 Paste.

11-04-2002, 08:51 PM
Thanks for the help. I`m going to start waxing every 4 weeks and see where that leaves me. Maybe even push it to 6 weeks. And #9 every 4-6 months. I`m by all means not the pro detailer, however I like to have my ride look nice, so rather than change product I`m going to stick with a proven worker (IMO)!

Thanks again for the time...