View Full Version : Some ridiculousness from another forum.

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11-03-2002, 03:01 AM
Check this thread out:


While I don`t ever condone adding anything on top of Zaino, this guy seems to think that he is the last word on combining various products.

Guess I should just use Zaino for everything: Bye 303 Protectant, Bye Miracle Towels, Bye 3m Swirl Remover!

My sarcasm seems to get worse with age! :)

Goes to show you how misinformation gets spread.

11-03-2002, 06:00 AM
Interesting argument but the "I have to have the last word" attitude wasn`t very helpful to the person who initiated the thread with an innocent enough question. I think there is a man-joke in materials science that diamond does not last forever because given enough (=infinite) amount of time and the right conditions, carbon atoms will rearrange itself to become graphite, its most stable form. Therefore, ladies should be more glad to receive a graphite ring in place of diamond. Ha! Ha! Funny! Now, does that mean if one lay some diamonds on a graphite sheet, the diamond will then devalue itself into the forever stable graphite? It might, but one may not live long enough to see it as they are both pretty inert to me under room conditions. One other thing that caught my attention though, if there is any photo proof that one can avoid the laborious claying and getting the same result by simply blasting the paint surface with SMR and PC, please please show me how. I am reading into the Blackfire reviews nowadays as it seems to be good product made for PC use.

Good thing I ran into this group first and acquired a reasonable understanding of the differences between "wax & polish", "wax- & polymer-based products", "paint-prep & polish", etc. If one were ever to try out anything like topping Zaino with wax or anything, I wonder if it would really hurt "bad" if just testing it on an inconspicuous section first. May I suggest trying it on a door jam or something that not too many people can see? I have a trusty Integra, so I don`t think I qualify to join the CL forum to chime in. I don`t think I have to have the last word, anyways.



11-03-2002, 08:23 AM
What a weirdo. Silicone might react with stuff and damage your paint? Yeah, that stuff is craazzzyyy... I have to wear gloves, a smock, and eye protection when I spray it on tires... :rolleyes: And he keeps saying you can`t have 100% carnauba, like that`s the nail in the coffin... Your whole argument hinged on carnauba being 100%, right??

All his stupid "assumptions" are annoying too. Like "ask any detailer because they`ll tell you they don`t mix products" (hmm, would they?), or the thing about product clouding up every 15 minutes until you just have primer left. Yeah, that happens all the time. Biggest newbie mistake...

Some people you just can`t debate with.

11-03-2002, 09:09 AM
I think you handled yourself very well there. Well done. :xyxthumbs

He`s an idiot and its crystal clear to anyone who reads that thread. It`s not just his baseless assertions but his childish writing style. The internet tends to bring out the moron in most people and he`s a classic example.

I don`t know if there`s anything more to "debate". You`ve come across as sober and sensible and he hasn`t. Prolly time to let it go. Ultimately it doesn`t matter what he thinks or you thinks but what all the other readers think. They can tell who the jerk is and who is really trying to help.

11-03-2002, 09:54 AM
Geez, after reading that, I have to get to Detailers Church and wash my sin of reading that away!

:scared :xyxthumbs

11-03-2002, 11:06 AM
funny thing, i was a member of the forum since it was started(anyone who remembers it started on honda-acura.net, then acura-tl.com, then it separted to its own forum) and was the moderator of the detailing forum over there when it first started.

11-03-2002, 12:59 PM
Oh brother - this Einstein even puts a copyright notice on his posts? Like you would take his advice, run down to Kinkos and print it out and sell it for profit?! Gimme a break!!! :rolleyes:

Thank God Autopia is the first (and final) detailing website I found! I don`t waste time elsewhere. :cool:

11-03-2002, 01:58 PM
I can`t stand to read anymore of that. His first post gave me a headache.

Just go over there and tell Scooter the Pro`s over on Autopia voted, "You`re a F***ing retard"

11-03-2002, 02:17 PM
Thats what happens when your head is that far up your butt! He obviously doesnt have a clue as what he is tlking about becasuse he has never persoanlly done it..lol:cool:

11-03-2002, 02:26 PM
Yeah, kind of wierd that he keeps on saying that he truly hopes I am getting his point.

Anyways, I guess it is time to stop arguing. Sometimes squelching misinformation takes too much time and effort!

Thanks guys for your support!

Brad B
11-03-2002, 03:09 PM
Wow, I started reading the first couple posts and got hooked into it like a bad romance novel.

The last post I read was from "AnZ Retribution" who basically came in and told Scooter to sit down and shut up! Thank goodness! At least I know neoprufrok isn`t the only adult over there. Gee, I was thinking Scooter had everybody over there buffaloed! I hate that.

Hey, neoprufrok, if you ever need help, all of us fellow Acura-CL owners will will be glad to back you up! ;) Just call in the troops!

11-03-2002, 03:20 PM
Sheesh..I Feel Dirty! After wading through the knee deep crap in that dudes post, I just wanted to ban the internet of morons. He needs to get a clue!

11-03-2002, 04:16 PM
Yeah, I`d just like to also congratulate neoprufrok for conducting himself so maturely. Really, Scooter is digging himself deeper every time he says anything, and I`m sure Yumchah will see that. :xyxthumbs

Man, that guy sounds like FLONI gone bad... :p His whole paranoia about mixing products and chemical reactions is all baseless and smacks strongly of 17th Century fanatical superstition. Zaino and other companies/people preaching not to mix products has not helped people like that. Personally, I think you could easily mix all sorts of products (GC wash, Z5, trim dressing, carnauba wax, smr) like a mad scientist either on the paint, or in a bucket and not do any damage to the finish. It might look like poop, but that`s all.

Redcar GUY
11-03-2002, 04:36 PM
Scooter needs to put down the weed and step away from the keyboard.... what a joke

11-03-2002, 04:53 PM
I thought about registering just to blow away scooter, but it just isn`t worth the effort. Self proclaimed experts cannot be reasoned with.