View Full Version : Amazing Glaze????

11-02-2002, 10:28 AM
I have found a site http://www.amazingglaze.co.uk/index2.phtml which sounds to good to be true, but has recommendations for various airlines from around the world. Anybody know anything about it?


11-02-2002, 12:23 PM
looks interesting enough to perhaps try (on someone elses car!), but everytime I see something like "never wax again" or "5 year protection" I just have to laugh!


11-02-2002, 12:46 PM
I agree, but to get recomendations from British Airways, Boeing etc the product must have something going for it. It seems to be the only product approved for Concorde, but I dont know anything about the paint or finish on aircraft.

I wonder if they do samples?


11-02-2002, 01:17 PM
It sounds like something that has to be applied while listening to bagpipes!

Amazing glaze

how sweet the shine

to protect a wreck like me....

I once was dull

but now I shine

for all my friends to see! :D :D

11-02-2002, 01:17 PM
Originally posted by Lowejackson

I agree, but to get recomendations from British Airways, Boeing etc the product must have something going for it.

I did notice that one of the letters from one of the airlines indicated they re-apply the Amazing Glaze every 61 days, nowhere near the 5 years the site claims it should last.


SP 325i
11-02-2002, 01:25 PM
Look at www.cci-usa.com

These are who make it.


Anthony O.
11-02-2002, 03:28 PM
The reason they re-apply it every 60 days or so is in order to keep the manufacturers warranty current and active. The "glaze" does not really last for 5 years but rather they will warranty the finish for 5 years as long as it is applied at regular intervals.

Car "sealants" play the same game. You pay $300 or more for a "wonder sealant" that protects against sap, bird droppings, oxidation and grime BUT only if you re-apply it every several months. People get sucked into it but never go in for the applications so when that pretty birdy in the sky leaves his calling card which stains their paint they are out of luck when they try to cash in on the warranty.

Anthony :bounce

11-04-2002, 04:33 AM
Originally posted by Gonzo0903

It sounds like something that has to be applied while listening to bagpipes!

Amazing glaze

how sweet the shine

to protect a wreck like me....

I once was dull

but now I shine

for all my friends to see! :D :D LOLOLOLOL!!!!! :D

11-04-2002, 11:00 AM
Read this letter from United: http://www.cci-usa.com/pcoat/pcletter.html

I especially like the comment, "I am pleased to inform you our Technical Services Department reports that actual flight test evaluation of one of our B767 aircraft protected with Amazing Glaze sealant shows no decrease in paint gloss from levels measured at the time the aircraft was painted.

Thank goodness it didn`t dull new paint ;) :D