View Full Version : Home brews

11-02-2002, 01:32 AM
Thought it would be interesting to hear what general hosehold products or new found uses for old detailing products you guys are using as substitutes for the expensive name brand detailing supplies.

Ones I can remember are.

Water/Woolite 6:1 as leather cleaner

50/50 water/vinegar for removing water spots.

Last night I was testing old products to effectivly remove some really hard water spots on my glass that auto glym, AIO and vinegar wouldn`t touch, and low and behold my can of TR3 resin glaze(haven`t used for over 12 years,) remove those spots with ease.

Anyone else have any tips

11-02-2002, 10:12 AM
I have a few....

Kerosene, or WD 40 makes a good bug and tar remover......

Ultra fine steel wool for polishing glass and chrome......

Dawn dish washing liquid for a good prewash step