View Full Version : How often should we wax our wheel?

10-30-2002, 03:35 AM
Some suggestion says every time we wax the car. That could be every 1 - 3 months.

But let`s take a look at how we clean our wheel;

1. The least aggressive we use `double strength` car shampoo. Even the normal strength we say that strips wax.

2. A bit more, we spray on some kind of degreasers, let it sit a couple of minutes, and without dilution.

3. Not enough, we scrub it with brushes of different sizes to get that nasty brake dust.

Now can any wax survive?

So should we wax the wheel every time we wash it?

10-30-2002, 04:20 AM
I try and put a coat of wax on the wheels after each wash.

I usually use mothers liquid wax on the rims, (just finish up the bottle) and put it on really thick leave till it dries hard, then really buff it off to a shine.

The wax dosnt last long at all coz the heat from the brakes, but it is very hard to get polymer waxes downunder.

so only option is to wax regurlary. ie every wash

10-31-2002, 12:50 PM
The easiest route in the long run is to use a synthetic product, Klasse Zaino etc you could always top up with wax if you wanted.


10-31-2002, 01:11 PM
I`ve found that spending the initial effort to get a synthetic wax on a wheel makes a big difference. I currently use the Klasse AIO/SG combo on my wheels. Using this method, I find that regular strength car wash solution will clean my wheel perfectly. (I tend to wash my car every 2-3 weeks.) If I let it go longer, some P21S Wheel Cleaner might be needed to remove everything... But I can`t say for sure how the wheel cleaner affects the Klasse.


10-31-2002, 01:12 PM
I use #20 every couple of months. Works greats, no brake dust. Just need to wash with carsoap and all the dust comes off.

11-01-2002, 08:20 AM
I despise cleaning my rims. Hate it. I clean them, on average, once every third or fourth wash, and it`s not like they don`t need cleaning either- I run some Hawk brake pads that perform wonderfully but are dusty as all get out. During the last winter season I got my summer rims totally clean, then AIO`d/SG`dx5. Even washing as infrequently as I do the dust comes right off with normal strength gold class wash. For me, Klasse is the best solution since I can ignore my rims for essentially as long as I want and they STILL come clean. No SG touchups all summer long, either. Klasse on rims is where it`s at. :)
