View Full Version : AIO + carnuba topper

10-30-2002, 12:21 AM
I am currently using zaino but was considering swithcing to aio and a carnuba topper. My only real problem with zaino is that the car has to be so perfect before applying. If you apply over a waterspot or something you can still see the waterspot. Am i correct in assuming that with aio you could apply to say over a waterspot and it would take the waterspot away and other imperfections? What other things would i notice if i swithed.


10-30-2002, 12:26 AM
As long as the waterspot hasn`t etched itself on your clear coat then you should be able to remove it with AIO. Are you going to be using a PC or by hand? Sometimes waterspots can be stubborn by hand. I always keep some PPCL handy for that kind of stuff. AIO with a carnuba topper would look good. You could probably use BF2 and get similar results with more durability and protection.

10-30-2002, 07:30 AM
Just a quick question. Wouldn`t the AIO give you the protection of a sealant under the topper? I have been considering using the AIO with S100 over it with that thought in mind.


10-30-2002, 08:23 AM
I`ve been using the AIO S100 combo now for a few months and have been very happy with it. You do get the protection of the sealant along with the depth of gloss that the S100 provides. As far as the water spots are concerned and as it was said, they`ll most likely still be there if they`re etched in after the AIO is applied. Try polishing before applying the AIO with something like SMR, Plll or something of equal purpose. I`ve never used Zaino but I like how, (with the AIO, S100 combo) that even driving through a rain storm at highway speeds and then after the car drying off naturally in the garage it still looks clean and shiny.

10-30-2002, 08:31 AM
I have two cars with AIO +SG and a carnauba topper on them. One is with the S100 combo. I actually drove through a rainy day yesterday and that same day (while comming out of a store) the car had no rain drops on it and looked clean/shiney!!

Never had a waterspot issue with AIO (try applying SG before the S100. It is not required but does give an extra gloss IMO).;)