View Full Version : Winter Washing Area?

10-29-2002, 01:24 PM
Anyone had any luck finding a place that would allow you to use their heated area to clean your car in the cold weather? I plan to check with a car rental place not far from my house. All I need is the heated area. If I could use their water, so much the better. I would be glad to pay them a nominal fee, $5 - $10. Since their wash bay is not in use a lot, it makes sense to me. The only real concern that I can think of, is if they might be worried about liability.

Anyone ever worked out a deal like this with someone?


Redcar GUY
10-29-2002, 01:30 PM
I will be washing in my garage again this year, I hope to have the new water line ran soon and make it alot easier this year, Good luck finding someplace to do yours:)

10-30-2002, 09:35 AM
Here`s what worked for me. I`m trying to get my 75 Jaguar ready for a Concours. But for a week now, it`s been no warmer than 50F and mostly raining/misting -- and, of course, I haven`t finished building the garage yet. So ... after losing sleep for a couple of days, fretting that I can`t get the car spiffed up, I finally came up with a solution: offered a business colleague that, if she`d let me use her garage for a couple of days, I`d detail her car after the Concours is over. She was elated! and I`m enjoying working in a warm dry place.

10-30-2002, 10:43 AM
The winters are so mild here most of the time that normal procedure is not altered. I love the South.:bounce

Good luck with finding a place Charles:xyxthumbs