View Full Version : Can I use P21s GEPC or S100...

10-28-2002, 02:32 PM
Shine enhancing cleaner or IHG before the Zaino process? or can you recommend something better.


10-28-2002, 02:37 PM
GEPC is just a mild swirl reducer and paint cleaner. It should be alright to use before applying a sealant. As far as suggesting something better, it depends on the condition of your paint. If your car is fairly new and free of oxidation and major swirling and scratches, then GEPC should work fine. If there is some damage then you`ll want to use something stronger and more suited to the task.

10-29-2002, 09:54 AM
Can I use the 3M IHG before Z, I wan`t the best shine/gloss I can get but am not sure what to use after preping the paint.

this is what I would like to do.



#9 smr, FII RC where needed

3M IHG, or P21s GEPC or something else for polish (this is where I have questions, what can i use before applying Z)

Z process


10-29-2002, 11:17 AM
Originally posted by jgn1013

Can I use the 3M IHG before Z, I wan`t the best shine/gloss I can get but am not sure what to use after preping the paint.

Stick with GEPC before Z. It`s more in line with the kind of shine you`ll get from your Zaino layers.

Originally posted by jgn1013

this is what I would like to do.



#9 smr, FII RC where needed

3M IHG, or P21s GEPC or something else for polish (this is where I have questions, what can i use before applying Z)

Z process


The claying & compounding steps are fine. GEPC is great as a final polishing/cleaning step right before applying your sealant. Some ppl here feel that you gotta do a dawn-wash in between to remove the oils from the GEPC and others (myself included) feel it`s not necessary.

10-29-2002, 03:19 PM
When Steve and I detailed my Saab we did the following steps:

1. Dawn wash

2. Clay

3. Swirl removal with DACP and PC

4. Polish with GEPC and PC

5. Z7 wash

6. Z5/FX x3

Better safe than sorry with the second wash but if no wash has worked for others, you should be OK.

I would not use IHG before Zaino. You will have to wash off the oils and any fillers would be removed as well, making the IHG step pointless. Frankly, if you are committed to the Zaino system there is no reason for IHG to be used at all. Glaze is fine when using carnaubas but just causes more work and no benefits with Zaino.

10-31-2002, 08:57 AM
Before using a caranuba on a newish car with a few light swirls, is it ok to use GEPC followed by IHG (to fill the swirls in). Or will GEPC work as well as IHG at hiding swirls ?


10-31-2002, 11:36 AM
In my experience, GEPC works slightly better than IHG in making swirls appear less visible. They both do a terrific job of shining up your paint though.... GEPC leaves a very bright reflective shine and IHG leaves a warmer, soft shine.