View Full Version : Having less time to detail, I realize I was obsessive

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10-24-2002, 11:26 PM
Lately the amount of time I`ve had to detail has been reduced substantially, but perhaps it is the best thing to happen to me. I was one of those "once a week" washers and was never pleased with the appearance of my car. Weekly I used q-tips to reach between body panel seams and would sometimes brake more softly to prevent more brake dust from accumulating. Did it help? Probably not. I did countless other things that occupied hours of the week, like using the CCD between outings.

My point is that I realized I was obsessed. Now that I can only wash the car every three weeks to one month, I am enjoying the car a lot more. The car still looks great before a wash, but afterwards my jaw drops. Weekly washes just never allowed me to forget what a shiny black car looks like. Sometimes I would regret getting black because of how hard it is to keep clean, but the truth is you can never keep it perfect. Now that I have "let go", I wouldn`t hesitate to buy black again.

What am I babbling on about? Basically, I decided that it is okay if there are a few bug spots on my windshield, lol. I`m enjoying my car a lot more now not worrying about keeping it pristine 100% of the time. Am I moving away from Autopian ways? Heck no. I`m just trying to remind the obsessed that it is about the car itself, and detailing is just a means of enjoying it. Go drive a little!

10-24-2002, 11:52 PM
If you did not like once per week, then you REALLY would not like my routine. I clean just about every day in some way, not a full blown wash (the only time I have to wash my cars and trucks is if I have driven in the rain) but at least a California duster and some Zaino Z-6, freshen up the tires, and wipe off the brake dust from the billet wheels. If I am driving it, its gotta be clean unless of course it is raining and that is out of my control. This is not just a young person thing, I am 35 and I am pretty sure I will always be this way.


10-25-2002, 08:27 AM
Originally posted by KEVO

This is not just a young person thing, I am 35.... From my point of view and age, if a person is in their 30`s, they`re a young person. :D Oh to be young again, wait a minute, I`m young at heart and mind. As far as I`m concerned, I`ll always be young, no matter what the mirror tells me.:p

You`re right though, I clean something on my car all the time, although I don`t work anymore so I have plenty of time to devote to my obsession.

My neighbor`s quote to a friend of his when asked what I do for a living, "He washes cars for a living and does computer programming on the side."

Isn`t there a point where your obsessive behavior becomes normal and the term obsessive no longer applies? :nixweiss

10-25-2002, 09:40 AM
I know it is an obsession, but what the heck! Everyone asks me, does your car ever get dirty? I tell them- no! Of course it does- but for the most part my Jet Black 740iL looks like this.


Do I feel great driving it, YES! Detailing can be therepy - zen like.

Keep on shinging!


My 740iL Site (http://www.cardomain.com/id/amp99)

10-25-2002, 10:03 AM
Originally posted by KEVO

This is not just a young person thing, I am 35 and I am pretty sure I will always be this way.

Speak for yourself;) I`ll be thirty-frigging-seven next month! As the saying goes - you`re as old as you feel.....or is it "you`re as young as the girl you feel"?

10-25-2002, 10:35 AM
I feel so young here at 18 :D

10-25-2002, 10:59 AM
Originally posted by AzN Retribution

I feel so young here at 18 :D

Hahaha, me too:rolleyes:

10-25-2002, 12:15 PM
I`ve actually been thinking of bringing some of my stuff to work so I can do a little work on the truck/car during my lunch hour! Try being 51 and learning all the good stuff here on this board.

You can teach an old dog new tricks.:bounce

Green Monster
10-25-2002, 01:42 PM
I to believe Detailing is therepy. It very relaxing to me.

I have Ranger pick-up and I also get asked if it ever gets dirty. I know pick-ups are suppose to get dirty, right? Well it does but its cleaned asap. After all check out my plate.

This is what it looks like 99.9% of the time.


I have a garage at home and its covered just about everyday at work. Its not easy to keep it like this (did I say its relaxing?) but I find myself doing it all the time.

You can say its CARED-4.

PS- Yes it does do pick-up truck duties: moving friends/family, firewood, camping, hauling stuff, ect.

10-25-2002, 01:49 PM
That is one Shiney Truck!!! :xyxthumbs I enjoy seeing other people`s cars and trucks shining away.

Personally, it makes me feel good to get out of a clean and shiney vehicle.


Keep up the Shining!


My 740iL Site (http://www.cardomain.com/id/amp99)

10-25-2002, 02:34 PM
Good comments everyone. I still enjoy detailing, but it was getting in the way of my enjoyment of the car. Now things are a little more balanced.

And yes, no matter what we might call obsessed, we still look crazy in the eyes of our neighbors.

10-25-2002, 03:35 PM
Clean cars are great, it is therpy to clean and maintain them. But they are cars and are meant to be driven.


10-25-2002, 04:38 PM
thanks for the reminder! i`m not used to even washing my car and then i got a new black m3 and started reading this board and being a perfectionist became obsessed with the condition of the detailing which of course was never even close to being good enough. i won`t drive the car if there`s a threat of rain or if the streets are even wet because then i would have to wash etc. the car again. i`ve even been saying "i thought i was buying a great car to drive, but instead its become more like a new hobby." its been driving me crazy. thanks for the reminder. i needed it.

10-25-2002, 05:06 PM
I know exactly what you mean. I remember coming to a T intersection, where I could turn left or right. My house was only a mile if I went right, but the entire road was wet from a broken line. Rather than risk getting some spray on the car, I did a U-turn and drove 3 miles the long way home.

10-25-2002, 06:04 PM
Originally posted by JustinTRW

Rather than risk getting some spray on the car, I did a U-turn and drove 3 miles the long way home.Heck if I had your car I would have driven 60 miles out of the was to keep from running through that water. :D If I`ve got an errand to run and it`s raining, I`ll wait until the next day or until the streets are dry which ever comes first.