View Full Version : AIO with the PC

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10-22-2002, 03:50 PM
I used AIO like I do with SMR to remove some small swirls and watermarks, and had a really great result. I applied to a Griots red pad, and PC`ed it untill it was almost gone, then got the remaining residue with a MF towel. It looked awesome.

This is probably no news to some of you experts, but I was pleased with the results. I have only seen it mentioned to apply with an orbital, allow to dry and remove.

10-22-2002, 04:27 PM
Yup...the PC works great with almost everything but tire dressing...

10-22-2002, 06:05 PM
Since AIO is to be applied with a damp applicator, did you dampen the PC pad before applying?

What speed did you use?

It sounds like you worked it until it was almost dry, Is that the case?

Did you think it did a better job of cleaning or was it for the ease of application?

When I used the PC for AIO application, I was not impressed at all. Based on that experience, I went back to applying and removing it by hand. My problem very likely is operator error. Many of mine are.


10-22-2002, 06:12 PM
<img src="http://groups.msn.com/_Secure/0OgAAAGwU80hG0PfTkOqltH7*OvoeQTIhJrEI0aju8ndD4*The Iz*dyoap0Y8gILxMAf5zMQUF58opnnankKvZgxlfCU92i*C/HalfAndHalf.JPG"

<img src="http://groups.msn.com/_Secure/0OwAAAJ4UfFZG0PfTkOqltNWSysZ79SDqYoL!9ip!Vsmh3nxhV A45Odl4xNz6sLbRDuGb1NpxbHuY1T8bJX2KiKNYof!h0DGF/HalfAndHalf2.JPG"

I apply it with the pad slightly damp. It helps when you are doing some real deep cleaning. That hood was done with nothing else but a PC and AIO. I need to upload that pic again. The resolution on it is getting a little nasty. These pics (http://www.dotphoto.com/go.asp?l=Jngrbrdman&AID=331250) should be better.

10-22-2002, 06:28 PM
Originally posted by CharlesW

Since AIO is to be applied with a damp applicator, did you dampen the PC pad before applying?

What speed did you use?

It sounds like you worked it until it was almost dry, Is that the case?

Did you think it did a better job of cleaning or was it for the ease of application?

When I used the PC for AIO application, I was not impressed at all. Based on that experience, I went back to applying and removing it by hand. My problem very likely is operator error. Many of mine are.


Like I said, it`s probably something I am not doing correctly. When I used the PC the AIO did not buff off completely and the residue was extremely difficult to remove. I had to use some FI to get things cleaned up. When I have applied it by hand, it has been easy to remove. Anyway, on to my questions. You did address the damp pad and I had done just that. Had a spray bottle of water and kept the pad slightly damp, not wet. It was the white pad that came with the PC. I now have some Meguiar`s pads, but haven`t felt like trying it again just yet. I used 4.5 for a speed setting, what do you guys use? It never did appear to really get dry, just kind of gummed up.


10-22-2002, 06:39 PM
On my project I had to go over it 2 or 3 times with AIO to get it all off.

10-23-2002, 02:34 AM
I used the soft Griots red pad, dry. speed 4, buffed until it was almost completely off. No haze or residue.

10-23-2002, 06:41 AM
Originally posted by pcar996TT

I used the soft Griots red pad, dry. speed 4, buffed until it was almost completely off. No haze or residue.

Thank you! That`s exactly the kind of information I am looking for. That and the info in your original post will give me some idea on how to proceed. Now I need to see what Meguiar`s pad is similar to the Griots red pad. From what you guys are telling me, it seems I should try the PC application again.


10-23-2002, 06:55 AM
You guys think it`s good with a PC you should try it with a rotary! :eek:

Just for kicks I tried it, very impressive. Removed all kinds of light swirls and hazing on my friends car. I applied it at 1000 RPM with a 3M foam waffle polishing pad. Funny thing is, the only reason I tried it was because I was lazy and didn`t feel like working 2-3 hours with the PC. hehe. :D

10-23-2002, 07:26 AM
After visiting the Griot site, it appears that their red pad would be similar to Meguiar`s finishing pad. Guess that`s where I will start.

(When I ever get a chance to start, 34 degrees, rain & snow in the forecast):(


10-23-2002, 10:22 AM
what CMA kit pad is similar togriots`s red pad ?

10-23-2002, 02:05 PM
Since people (ie, DavidB ;)) say to match the pads to the product, I`d be inclined to use a polishing pad (yellow for Megs) with AIO, rather than a finishing pad (which I`d reserve for SG/waxing).

EDIT: if Griot`s red pad is a finishing pad, then you`d need the CMA grey pad.

10-23-2002, 02:12 PM
Originally posted by ShowroomLincoln

You guys think it`s good with a PC you should try it with a rotary! :eek:

SL, stop showing off! :D

10-23-2002, 02:20 PM
Having used a rotary and being the typical novice, I think it should be mentioned again, the rotary is a serious piece of equipment and not really for amateurs. I can tell you from experience, it can be a very thin line between shiny paint and no paint.


10-23-2002, 06:14 PM
Well, the finishing pad (red griots) worked really well. so can`t imagine a polishing pad working better, but......

Does AIO have diminishing abrasive
