View Full Version : Need Help!!

10-21-2002, 09:22 AM
Gonna rely on all of your expertise for this one. My wife drove her `97 WHITE Camaro down a road freshly paved. Needless to say it is covered in tar. Nose, hood, mirrors rear you name it.

A few questions. First what is the best way to get it off. There are little tar streaks going up the hood that alost look like black paint. I can scrap some of them off with my thumb nail but not others.

Second, will claying it work.

I won`t even get into the war this caused at the house. It amazes me, if there is tar out there, my wife will find it.

Thanks for your help!!

10-21-2002, 09:26 AM
Stay cool, help will be forthcoming.

Keep in mind, war is Hell.

New car: $25,000

New wife: Astronomical


10-21-2002, 10:33 AM
This is one reason I`m not married....................

Anyway, road tar has a petroleum base so most petroleum distillates will take it off. Stuff like Mineral Spirits, naptha, etc. Or you can use something like 3M Adhesive, Wax, and Tar remover. Available as a liquid or aerosol. Check out your local auto parts store or WalMart for it.

As long as you don`t let the tar sit there it should come off easily. Just make sure you wash & wax the car ASAP.

10-21-2002, 11:01 AM
I hope it`s not too late. It`s been on the car for over a week already. Will the mineral spirts hurt the finish?

10-21-2002, 11:04 AM
Not a recommendation, but a question.

Wouldn`t plain old kerosene do a good job removing tar? Since you seem to need to cover a large area, it would be economical, nonflammable, and easy to find. Isn`t kerosene just another type of mineral spirit?


10-21-2002, 11:53 AM
I coated my Explorer in tar once....:mad:

It was so thick on the undercarriage I could have repaved my driveway. Anyway, I used WD-40 to remove it. Sprayed it on, let it dwell a minute, and wiped it off. For the undercarriage, I sprayed it on, let it dwell, scrubbed it, and power washed. I had to do that several times, but it all came off.

After the removal, I did a couple through washes and went back to my normal paint protection routine.