View Full Version : Used car dealers

imported_Elite Detailing
10-17-2002, 07:12 AM
Hi Everyone

I am in the planning phase of starting a auto recon and detailing business, except I am going to start by doing used car reconditioning and vehicle prep. The going rate for my area is about $85 per car. Can someone outline what they do for used car dealers? Also, Can anyone tell me if they do this kind of business only, no retail customers?If so, are u making good $ at it, or do you need to do retail as well? It would appear that this is where the volume is.

Thanks in advance

10-17-2002, 07:14 AM
Most of the pros I know stay away from dealers. They pay far less than the going rate and expect you to work miracles on auction beaters.

10-17-2002, 10:56 AM
you should have something that if a vehicle takes more then X hours to complete, you get extra compensation. some cars are just a mess (went used car shopping recently) and it would have taen hours to get gum and crap off seats and to resotre the shine to the oxidized paint on some cars and only get $85 - it just doesn`t make sense to me.

If you do take the job, make sure to use NuFinish or some other cheap product - you`re gonna have to keep your margins up somehow.

10-18-2002, 06:30 AM
I do alot of dealer work, for my part-time detailing business. They always want something for nothing, POS to look brand new, etc. They treat detailers like the scum of the earth, and dont want to pay anything. That being said, you need to do a good job at a fair price, at the wholesale level. THey dont care a thing about 3-6 months of paint protection as a retail client would. Keep that in mind. Buy in bulk, gallons of wax, dressing, 55 gallon multipurpose cleaner, etc. will save you bucks. In my personal business practice, I quote one set price, with stipulations. If they want scratches wet sanded out, price goes up accordingly, water spots, paint or glass, dyeing interior components, removing tint, touch up painting, etc. all equals more money. Once you find a dealer you can work with, respects your abilities, skills, and integrity, you shouldnt have to dicker over price on the detail . If all the dealer is worried about is price, then quote a price and detail accordingly. The whole sale detailing world is cut throat, and hard to build dealer loyalty. There seems to always be somebody willing to detail any size vehicle, in and out, engine etc. for 50.00. I tell them to send it to them. Jason