View Full Version : Layer Meg #20 or not?

10-12-2002, 12:08 PM
Can i layer Meg #20 poly sealant??? ive heard different thoughts on this? i`ll be applying it this weekend for the upcoming WINTER, or should i just apply #20 then S100? ill also apply #20 to my rims which will be in storage over the winter as well. any thoughts

10-12-2002, 12:41 PM
you can layer #20 if you want, just do one layer the first week, then the second the next week. I would apply the caranuba layer after your done layering #20 bc s100 won`t work well under #20.

10-12-2002, 12:51 PM

You can`t layer it. It contains cleaners that will strip your previous layer off. It is sort of an all-in-one product, although with Meguiars very VAGUE instructions, a lot of people have questions about certain products.;)


10-12-2002, 01:26 PM
Originally posted by drewski59


You can`t layer it. It contains cleaners that will strip your previous layer off. It is sort of an all-in-one product, although with Meguiars very VAGUE instructions, a lot of people have questions about certain products.;)


Meguiar`s told me in several emails that you can NOT layer No. 20, because of the cleaners.

10-12-2002, 02:43 PM
Where`s 2wheelsx2? :wavey

10-12-2002, 05:59 PM
I`m going to put two coats of #20. I won`t bother with more layers. That way, if I missed some spots on the first layer, the second should get them and I should have one or one and a half good layers everywhere. ;)

10-12-2002, 07:56 PM
Today, I did 2 applications of #20, just as taxlady said, to make sure I hadnt missed any spots. Topped it off with a coat of #26, and am calling it good for the winter (unless the weather breaks and gets warmer 1 more time before then...highly unlikely!)

10-12-2002, 09:17 PM
I went insane this weekend.

2 coats of #20, 2 coats of #26, and a topper of s100.:eek: :cool: :D :shocked :xyxthumbs

I`m sure it would look better if I let the waxes cure a bit more between applications, but I wanted to get it all done this weekend so i`d be ready for winter. looks like i`m set for the next 5-6 months :(

10-12-2002, 09:39 PM
I was busy detailing a car! :D With #20 and #26, actually.

I believe there is some minor layering effect, but not like Zaino or Klasse, because as various people have said, there are cleaners. However, the cleaners are very weak. I found that if I applied a coat a week for 2 or 3 weeks, there is a noticeable enhancement in the shine depth. I thought I was hallucinating, until some friends asked me how we both use #20, but my car looks better.

So the short answer is that I think it does layer a bit, but don`t go crazy, as it is not Zaino. After 2 or 3 coats, there is no gain. Also, give it a week or a few days to cure between coats. Then top with a wax for a fantastic blinding shine! :xyxthumbs

10-12-2002, 09:45 PM
Meguiar`s has never given a consistent answer to this question. Some people have received emails from Meguiar`s which say that it can be layered, while others have said that it cannot be layered.

I agree with Taxlady. A second coat is a good idea. If it can be layered, then you`ve got two coats. If it can`t be layered, then no harm has been done, plus you`ve increased the odds that you`ve covered all of your paint.

10-13-2002, 12:30 AM
thanks for all the responses guys! think ill just apply one coat of #20 then top with S100, damn i need a porter cable, and oh ya a GARGAGE!!

10-13-2002, 05:19 AM
Originally posted by Dude

Meguiar`s has never given a consistent answer to this question. Some people have received emails from Meguiar`s which say that it can be layered, while others have said that it cannot be layered.

I agree with Taxlady. A second coat is a good idea. If it can be layered, then you`ve got two coats. If it can`t be layered, then no harm has been done, plus you`ve increased the odds that you`ve covered all of your paint. :xyxthumbs :xyxthumbs on both points!

10-13-2002, 01:46 PM
I don`t believe it has cleaners, at least not heavy ones, so I`d say layer ahead! And even if it does have cleaners, what`s the problem? It`s just gonna remove some/most/all of the previous layer. I`d so, layer ahead!

But if you are apprehensive about it, doing two layers is a good idea. I always reccomend doing 2 layers of anything in case you miss some spots.

Has anybody expierenced good cleaning abilities with #20?? Anybody seen it remove swirls or any defects? Just wondering-- thanks.

10-13-2002, 02:08 PM
Nope, it won`t remove swirls. My hood is a testament to that. Good for cleaning up minor smudges, fresh bug guts and the like, not too much else.