View Full Version : Where do I start???

10-10-2002, 04:54 PM
I just purchased a 2003 Passat and would like to know how to maintain it so my daughter can drive it in 12 years. I`ve never "detailed" my vehicles before but would like to start. I also have a 2002 Tahoe so time is major when I decide to do it (It drives my wife nuts - 9 mos pregnant w/2 girls). Where do I start for information on beginning detailing and car care?

Thanks in advance for the input.:confused:

10-10-2002, 08:59 PM
Welcome to Autopia.

The first place to start is the Learn How To Detail Properly Dept. :D All the fancy products in the world are useless until you know how and when to use them.

I recommend two fine publications for an education:

1. Autopia`s Guide to Detailing. Buy it at www.autopia-carcare.com . This is a terrific informational resource for anyone interested in keeping their car showroom new. The first 8 chapters are free and you`ll get lots of benefits from your purchase. Its worth every penny.

2. The Wax Test magazine. Buy it at www.gurureports.org . This is as close to a definitive test of car waxes and polishes as there can be. No advertising, no outside influences, no BS. Lots of great detailing tips and tricks as well as a test of 46 waxes and polishes.

These two will help you develop a detailing strategy that you can implement for many years. From there deciding on which products and tools is made much easier.

Spend some time reading threads and especially cruising the Archives. The wealth of info here is amazing. If you have a specific question, try doing a Search as it probably has already been asked and answered.

Good luck, enjoy the community. If you need help feel free to ask anyone here.