View Full Version : How can I clean my MFs??

10-09-2002, 02:40 PM
I have about 12 MFs that need to be washed. How can I clean them without damaging them or causing them to be harmful to my paint??? I`ve tried searching on this and keep finding different views on the subject, so perhaps this can be the end all thread. So anyways, how do I wash my CMA MFs properly??

10-09-2002, 03:00 PM
I hand wash in warm to hot water with Tide or Dawn. Works great. If I have a lot, I`ll throw them in the washer. Always air dry. I am worried about lint from the dryer.

10-09-2002, 04:14 PM
I was worried about this too early on, then I got tired of the hand washing routine... I know was them all, with ONLY other MF`s....I used Dreft which is a very mild baby clothing detergent. Then i toss them in the dryer if I need them quickly, or line dry them if I have time to spare.

I`ve noticed NO ILL effects whatsoever from machine washing them.....and I prolly do it more frequently than I should.

10-09-2002, 05:44 PM
To avoid damaging paint: Rinse twice (at least), wash separately, don`t use fabric softener, keep them sanitary till use.

To avoid damaging MFs: Air dry or machine dry at low temperature.

To avoid damaging washer: Don`t put Dawn in washing machine! :D

10-09-2002, 06:38 PM
I throw em in the washer with some Tide... then throw them in the dryer on the low heat gentle cycle. Seems to work just fine. Once they`re dry I stick them in a giant sandwich bag so they don`t get dirty.

And like 4DSC said... no fabric softener... especially bounce sheets in the drier. You havn`t seen static cling till you try to remove one of those from a mf towel. :eek:


10-09-2002, 06:52 PM
Toss in the washer with LIQUID detergent. The powdered detergent might not all disolve and a granular can scratch your paint. I use hot water wash and cold water rinse. I don`t have the hot water rinse option. HMM!!! I even use the normal cycle. Delicate would be better. I dry in the dryer on delicate until they are still damp. Then I hang them to dry, fold, place in zip loc bags and then in the plastic flip top container that lives in the garage. OH! No fabric softener in either the washer or dryer.

10-09-2002, 06:56 PM
You havn`t seen static cling till you try to remove one of those from a mf towel. No kidding, I can`t imagine what it`s going to be like this winter when the air gets really dry. I think I`ll dry them at night and see if I can create a little lighting storm. :D

I don`t wash mine until I have enough dirty ones to justify throwing them in the washer with liquid Tide. Hand washing is too much work. I`d rather spend all day detailing my car than spend 10 minutes hand washing some towels.:xyxthumbs

Mr. Clean
10-09-2002, 08:09 PM
Small loads of towels (<12)

The MFs used for glass cleaning, dusting, or general interior cleaning (auto or home), I toss in with T-Shirts or jeans. Warm wash, liquid Purex, 1/8 cup Borateem.

Those used for lower panels or wax removal are soaked overnight in a solution of liquid purex and a small amout of degreaser (NOW or a di-limonene product). Rinsed twice by hand and then put in the washer alone. Again warm wash, liquid purex (no Borateem). After washing these towels, I always wipe down the inside of the washer tub (just in case any residue remains).

I usually air dry unless I have a load of more than a dozen. If I put them in the dryer, I wipe down the dryer to remove any possible fabric softener residue.

10-10-2002, 09:44 AM
So for these towels (a few glass cleaning MFs, CMA Magic Towels and regular old MFs for various things such as wax removal) washing them all in the washer together with some liquid Tide maybe twice should do the trick? Then dry until damp in the dryer with NO fabric softener, then dry on a line.... Sound good everyone?? I`m looking for a general consensus so as not to damage my MFs.

10-10-2002, 10:03 AM
Then dry until damp in the dryer with NO fabric softener, then dry on a line.... These towels are only going to be damp after your washer`s last spin cycle anyway. 10 to 15 minutes in the dryer is about all they`ll need.