View Full Version : Gold Class suds

10-09-2002, 09:42 AM
I picked up a bottle of Meguiar`s Gold Class wash the other day and when I used it last night, it didn`t make many suds at all. What`s with that? Is there a "method" to making suds - geez, I hope not or I`ve been doing it all wrong;) Anyways, any ideas? Water temp matter?

10-09-2002, 03:34 PM
Did you add water?:p

10-09-2002, 04:11 PM
the mitt you use can also have an affect on suds, or lack thereof...

I bought a chenille wash mitt, that I have since abandoned because it won`t create good suds with my Zymo car wash....when I go back to my old faithful sheepskin mitt, I get suds galore with the same exact mixture of car wash and water... Go figure....:nixweiss

10-09-2002, 06:00 PM
I know lots of people here love suds, but personally I think they`re overrated in terms of usefulness. Some people have said the suds lift off dirt and someone here (forget who) even uses a cosmetic foamer to wash his car with only suds! But I think all the important characteristics of a car shampoo are in the liquid, not the suds. As long as the liquid works right and feels normal I wouldn`t worry about it personally.

That said, I`ve always had good luck making a nice foamy head by blasting the water jet down into the bucket. Water is pretty soft here though... :nixweiss

10-09-2002, 07:09 PM
I`m with 4DSC (what does that stand for, btw?). I don`t think the level of suds you get is as important as the amount of lubricity in your shampoo solution. Suds or no suds, I`ve never had a problem with the cleaning power of any shampoo. Also, I can hardly tell any difference at all in the lubricity of a panel after swiping it gently with a mitt full of suds vs. a mitt without suds. As for the suds playing a role in lifting dirt away from your car`s surface....I`m not too convinced of that.

Originally posted by 4DSC

That said, I`ve always had good luck making a nice foamy head by blasting the water jet down into the bucket.

Yeah, me too! Especially using the really strong sprayers at coin-op washes. The water in my bucket gets really frothy (capuccino-like).

10-10-2002, 12:07 AM
i love GC wash, its the best ive ever used, not sure why you didnt get many suds :nixweiss how much did you mix with the water?

10-10-2002, 12:17 AM
is not high sudsing. I usually get good suds in the bucket with my wool mit, but not much on the car itself. This is especially true the first few weeks after putting on a new coat of carnauba. It`s my favorite shampoo.

10-10-2002, 01:13 AM
Originally posted by Intermezzo

...4DSC (what does that stand for, btw?). 4 Door Sports Car. Nissan`s designation for the 89-94 Maxima SE model. I own one of only a handful of "4DSC"s in Canada because I have the US-spec window sticker! :D Getting that little item was the last hurdle to having a better Maxima than any US-spec stock Maxima. :cool:

10-10-2002, 05:07 AM
I have the same stuff and it really depends on the ratio of product to water. I usually add way too much and it`s real foamy... but once I tried measuring it out based on the back of the bottle and it was not very slippery and pretty flat.

10-10-2002, 08:03 AM
remember, dont use too much car shampoo, you should only have to use an ounce or 2 per car. make sure you add the correct amount per gallon so when you wash and dry your car, the soap does not leave a film over your paint(plus you won`t use as much car soap).:)

10-10-2002, 09:25 AM
For the record:

1. I use a chenille wash mitt - not sure how that affects the suds in my bucket before I even put it in there?!?!?

2. City water - kinda hard

3. Used stated amount - 1 oz per gallon

4. Added warm water out of faucet - not to strong of a blast - this might be where I went wrong, but the shampoo I used previous to this made suds with warm water outta the faucet.

Anyways - thanks for the help. The shampoo did clean very well:-))

10-10-2002, 10:14 AM
Originally posted by buckslayer

For the record:

1. I use a chenille wash mitt - not sure how that affects the suds in my bucket before I even put it in there?!?!?

Well, I thought you were referring to a lack of suds ON THE CAR, not in the bucket. I`ve NEVER had a problem with suds in the bucket, but that`s partially because I fill up in my basement sink which has a very powerful warm jet spray on it... Then while washing, I frequently give a quick spray with the hose to suds things up a bit again. Of course, cold water isn`t as conducive to suds as warm is....

10-10-2002, 11:08 AM
with gc, I`ve found after adding gc to the bucket, if I use high pressure as I`m adding water I`ll get a lot more suds the otherwise. this usually causes some of the suds and water to bounce out of the bucket, so I`ll quickly submerge the hose into the water so it just stirs the water.

Personally, I like to have less suds becasue that mean I have more water to clean with. feels like wasting product when I have to remix a bucket becasue I don`t have enough water left.

10-10-2002, 06:16 PM
You could always try Meguiar`s Rich Suds car wash! :D

10-14-2002, 09:27 AM
Call me goofy, but I like those suds!!! I saw all the posts on how good Meg Gold Class is as a shampoo, so I went to Target and got the $9.99 gallon jug. I had been using the Pinnacle wash (I know this ain`t apples to apples). I have town water that is extremely soft. It`s so soft that we only use 1/3 of recommended dish and clothes detergents. I went to try out the MGC and I too was disappointed in the amount of suds in the bucket and my cars. I put the recommended amount in the 2nd wash and was still disappointed in the amount of suds. I was well pleased with cleaning, make sure you see this, I was well pleased with the cleaning properties. I just missed the abundance of suds.:(