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10-09-2002, 01:19 AM
Someone put about an 8" gash in my Porsche`s gorgeous driver`s side door today - nice and deep - def. through the clear coat and possibly to primer. I just looked at it under the 10x - two parallel grooves, about 1/16" apart - at a 45 degree angle to the ground, and about 1/3 way up the door. I can`t imagine any way this could have happened by accident. On the other hand, it is "only" 8 inches. If someone felt compelled to key my car in the first place, I would think they`d have gone further.

I guess I`ll choose to believe it was an accident. It makes the person who did it an IDIOT and a (expletive deleted before posting) for not having the cojones to fess up - but I can feel a little better believing it wasn`t malicious.

I can`t even bear to take a picture of it.

10-09-2002, 01:31 AM

Plenty of sympathy here Greg. I agree that it sounds like just some bizzare accident... it`s cold comfort though. You and that Porsche has taught me so much, and don`t deserve this at all. :(

10-09-2002, 01:59 AM
Yeah you have my sympathy carguy :( This is the kind of thing I dread. It does not sound like a deliberate act. Good luck fixing it.

10-09-2002, 02:22 AM
definite sympathies here greg. that sucks. deliberate or not, i`m confident that if anyone can get it right again, it`s you.

10-09-2002, 05:59 AM
You know, accidents happen but I don`t understand the people who don`t have the cojones to fess up and say "I`m sorry, I hit your car - my insurance will take care of it." I can only hope that what goes around comes around for them!

Geez I am full of cliches today!:rolleyes:

Sorry to hear about your Porsche. :(

10-09-2002, 06:33 AM
My worst nightmare. This is why im always wearing my walking shoes, I figure that, if I park far enough out, that even those people who park on top of you just to make you mad, wont even wanna walk that far. But even then, there always that one person..Grrrrr. I Hate People!

My Deepest Sympathies Go Out To You And Your Porsche.

10-09-2002, 07:10 AM
Indeed, plenty of sympathy here as well. Beautiful car and a shame that happened.

10-09-2002, 11:08 AM
My sympathy.

10-09-2002, 11:13 AM
Sorry to hear that, Greg. :( Are you going to try and fix it up yourself, or take it to a shop.

Bobby G
10-09-2002, 11:14 AM
I can honestly say, "I know just how you feel!" :mad:


Get a cold one, find a good body/paint shop, and supervise the work. It will all be better tomorrow. Chin up... we`re with ya!

P.S., please take the picture!

Redcar GUY
10-09-2002, 11:18 AM
so when are you going looking for them? LOL J/k I feel for ya man!:(

10-09-2002, 11:35 AM
I would say I am sorry, which I am and can realize the pain that you feel, but I know that will not alleviate the damage or loss of faith in your fellow man. For that very reason I rarely drive my nicer cars and choose to drive the Escort wagon. I try to justify reasons to drive the Z28 or Lexus ( the classics are never driven) for mundane trips just for the pleasure of driving these cars but my conscience always tells me not to for that very reason... Some idiot will do something STUPID. Then again if I had a Porsche I probably would not be able to resist driving it all the time.:D

If anyone will get this blemish repaired properly it is you, Greg

Steve @ Guru
10-09-2002, 11:40 AM

Damaging a Porsche (and a 996TT at that) is unthinkable. I can`t believe someone would do such a thing and then run...

Unbelievable. Get that baby patched up and back on the track! You`ll soon forget about the `incident`. :)

10-09-2002, 11:55 AM
Wouldn`t suprise me if it was intentional. Possibly someone had begun to key your car and someone else approached and scared them off. Some people just cannot stand that others have nice things, regardless of the hard work it took to purchase it.

My trunk lid got egged a few years ago, and someone stuck a screwdriver up under my door handle in an attempt to either break into or steal my car, damaging the door handle and the metal underneath. It`s going to cost me $650 to replace the handle (just bent a bit underneath), massage the metal back to it`s original place and repaint both doors (to blend in the repaint). Worse of all, I just have a 1990 Honda Accord. Nice car in great shape (and paid for), but it`s worth no more than $5000 and less without the stereo, alarm and wheels. Unfortunately, I know exactly how you feel.

10-09-2002, 12:23 PM
Feel your pain. Somebody keyed my wife’s Subaru the width of the hood. It sucks and is totally frustrating. :mad:
