View Full Version : Oh what a difference a clay makes!

Honda Peddler
10-07-2002, 12:57 AM
I did my first clay bar today. I already had a can of the Megs body shop stuff because it was the only one my local place had. Since people here generally hate the Meguiars bar I thought I better get some Clay Magic as a backup just incase. I managed to find a local Autozone that had the Clay Magic and I was off.

I started with the Clay Magic first and I used the lube that came with the kit. Wow! I couldn`t believe how much dirt this thing was picking up! The top surfaces of the hood, trunk lid, roof were all especially dirty. The car is barely 2 years old and kept in good condition, but the clay really cleaned it up. It took me quite some time to do the entire car and I ran out of lube about halfway through, so I used some Mequairs Final Inspection that I had on hand. The choice of lube didn`t seem to make too much of a difference.

Just for the hell of it I tried one of the Mequiars bars. The bar was much larger and stickier than the Clay Magic wich seemed to be a good thing. I also liked the fact that it is white and you can see what`s been picked up easier. It seemed to take alot of finesse to use the Meguiars bar without leaving streaks though. I actually used the Clay Magic to pick up some of the residue that the Meguiars left behind.

I think I might be able to get the hang of using the Meguiars bar without leaving streaks, it is not very forgiving though. There seem to be small specks in the paint that the Clay Magic couldn`t pick up even with alot of scrubbing. I went over some of the areas with the Meguiars bar and it seemed to do a better job of getting rid of the specks, although alot of scrubbing was still neccessary.

Just my 2 cents.

Has anyone tried the Pinnacle Miracle clay that the detailing guide recommends?


10-07-2002, 01:58 AM
It IS a wonderful feeling isn`t it? The feel of a freshly clayed car! :xyxthumbs

One thing I do when claying is refresh the QD sometimes with water if it starts drying out, instead of spraying more QD.

10-07-2002, 10:51 AM
the dirtiest part of my car (clayed yesterday for the first time on a 10yr old car) was the black trim. I realize now that I should do that stuff last becasue after one section of trim, it was had to find clean spots in the clay to use on the rest of the car`s paint.

I didn`t care much about streaks tough. If you wash your car again after you clay then the streaks and clay bits left over will wash away without trouble.