View Full Version : dealer lies?

10-02-2002, 04:37 PM
A friend of mine just purchased a 2002 Mustang, as part of the "Dealer Options" they sold him a coating for the paint to guarantee he doesn`t have to wax his car for 5 years. I tried to convince him not to pay for it but he wouldn`t listen. Their sales pitch was that he could even take it through the $5 car wash (oh the horror) and it wouldn`t scratch or swirl the paint at all. I knew they tried to sell crap like this on infomercials but from the dealer?

My friends response was "well, I have a guarantee they`ll have to fix it" I don`t think he`s had to deal with car dealers very much.

Has any one else had a dealer offer this to them?

10-02-2002, 04:40 PM
Please try a search on this topic, these types of dealer scams (and yes, IMO they are scams) have been talked about quite a bit.

P.S.- Your friend did get ripped off. :)

10-02-2002, 04:47 PM

10-02-2002, 04:55 PM
thanks that`s what I figured, it`s a shame too. The mustang looks great now, it`s a very dark blue. Won`t be long before it is full of swirl marks. Hey, maybe then I`ll have to send him to one of the Chicago area detailer`s from this site.

10-07-2002, 11:44 AM
tell him to check the contract he signed. I`m sure inthe fine print it also says he has to bring it back every 6-months/1 year so they can reapply the coating.

it`s a scam. Don`t buy anything except the car and maybe a warrenty if you`re buying a car with problems from the dealer IMO

10-07-2002, 12:57 PM
I`ve got my customers trained to pass on the dealer prep when it comes to waxing. One of my customers just bought a BMW 745 Li and he told them not to wax his car. His saleslady said it was a good idea...the prior week, another 745 had come in and the makeready guy skipped the buffer across the hood and trashed the paint. Needless to say (but I`ll say it anyway), the guy refused the car. My customer`s response was "Who is the idiot that lets them use a buffer to wax brand new cars in the first place?" She had no answer...:rolleyes:

10-07-2002, 02:17 PM
There`s so many disclaimers in the contract that no matter what, it`s still your fault and they`ll do nothing! Phrases like "environmental wear" and "improper care" pretty much make sure that it`s "maintenance free" only for them. :down

10-07-2002, 06:39 PM
I know about the dealer applied coatings, but all the cars in my family have them. It was actually cheaper to get it done on the Corolla than not to, it`s a long story. I had no choice with the Accord, all the cars on the lot had a sealant applied to them and we couldn`t wait for one without it to come in. They actually did a good job on the car, no swirls, scratches or anything and none of them claimed that you never had to wax the car.

C. Charles Hahn
10-07-2002, 07:04 PM
and then there`s the local buick dealer (I love these guys) who use Ziebart to do all the PDI prep on the cars as far as detailing - EVERY car they sell has the gold shield which includes interior scotchgard, exterior polish/sealant, and underbody extra rustproofing.... and they all come out looking great. :up

10-08-2002, 02:58 AM
I tend not to want the dealer to touch my car. I doubt anything they do is "magical" and they probably look around for the cheapest product.