View Full Version : Zaino Durability

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09-30-2002, 12:43 PM
I just wanted to drop a quick note and let you all know that I’m pretty astonished by the durability of Zaino Show Car Polish. It’s one thing to say that a polymer sealant will last 6 months or more, but the thing that really stands out with Zaino is that even after 6 months on a car driven daily (including several weekend trips from LA to SD & SF) and exposed to various lawn sprinklers and Los Angeles pollution by being parked outside often, the product retains its “freshly applied” properties very well. It still beads water like crazy when washed (most cars bead when rained on), is still very slick & after doing a 5-min session with Z-6, the car looks and feels like it has a freshly applied coat of Z-2 on it….very shiny and smooth. The vertical panels felt “new” even before the Z-6 treatment. There aren’t any other polymer sealants I’ve ever experienced this with. Some products claim 6-12 months durability but within a month or so after initial application, its properties change a lot (i.e. from beading to sheeting and from slick to not-so-slick). Of course, ZCSP isn’t the perfect product and I know perfectly well of its limitations, but when it comes to durability it’s a real tough (excuse the pun)product to beat.

09-30-2002, 01:03 PM
I agree Tony. I love it for daily drivers, my Dark Green Explorer lives outside 24/7 and because of the dark color just about everything melts off of it pretty quickly. Not Zaino. It`s just keeps beading. My last coat has been on 4 months and through at least 15-20 90+ degree days (been hot this summer in Cincy) and still beads like the day I put it on.

The product does have some trade off`s though, the look isn`t as deep as a caranuba on dark colors. Especially in direct sun. But, I am willing to sacrafice that for the protection and durability.

Redcar GUY
09-30-2002, 01:05 PM
ya, I would say you hit the nail on the head:xyxthumbs I have been using it for like 5 years....

09-30-2002, 01:06 PM
I wholeheartedly agree. I did 3 coats of ZFX Z2 on the G last weekend, and that alone could easily get me through the winter and up to spring without touching the car. But we all know it`s tooo tempting to apply more coats of the Z stuff! ;)

For durability and protection, Z is one of the best. Shine is always subjective, but noone can argue the durability of these products. Once they bond, they are there to stay, for a looong time!!

And, like ShowroomLincoln, I don`t really find it much of a tradeoff as far as shine goes. It may not offer the warmth, but what it does offer I really like, the deep mirror shine! Gotta love it!




Lone Wolf
09-30-2002, 04:46 PM
You speak the truth Inter!!! After 3 months and NO washings (drought in NJ) my finish is still smooth and very reflective..

10-01-2002, 04:05 AM
Zaino durability:

4 months ago I Z`d my car for the last time (by that time the car had 5 x Z5 and 2 x Z2)

one happy camper here:cool:

I had this bottle of Meguiars Gold Class shampoo , and I used it `till it was empty (I can`t put something on a shelf to collect dust...).A couple of weeks ago it cought my attention that the finish wasn`t as slick as it used to be.After the MGCshampoo was all used , I started washing with Z7 again:

the slickness AND shine came back:up

This weekend I applied another coat of Z2-ZFX(saturday morning) : I realy took my time doing it , making sure that everything was covered.

With 1/2 ounce I did the whole car included all windows(exept front) and rims.

I buffed with an MF and I wasn`t happy with the slickness : but it removed real easy and the shine was just amazing , now there was the shine I lost during those 4 months.

In the afternoon we had to visit my sister in the hospital and the car was parked in full sun(21Centigrade)

Imagine my amazement when I QD`d the car in the evening : the MF just slid off:

letting the Z bake in the sun was like needed to restore the slickness.

Now , I`m a verry verry happy camper:xyxthumbs

What I`m trying to say is that over the period of 4 months my car (daily driver , but in the garage at night) lost shine and slickness, but no protection and beading were lost(could tell by the ease of removing bird-crap )

One coat of Z brought back that WOW-feeling

note to self : should Z more :D


10-01-2002, 07:52 AM
you guys are just so full of it... praising Z and all!!! Shame on you...

don`t you guys realize that some of us can`t get Z here? hehe...

can`t wait to have someone buy me a kit... :( :( :(

10-01-2002, 08:01 AM
Originally posted by theveed

don`t you guys realize that some of us can`t get Z here? hehe...

You don`t have a UPS-guy?

or other means to get Z there?

10-01-2002, 10:03 AM
For durability and protection, Z is one of the best. Shine is always subjective, but noone can argue the durability of these products. Once they bond, they are there to stay, for a looong time!!

After using Z for over 2 years now, I couldn`t agree more. During our wonderful New England winters I always know my car is protected.

10-01-2002, 07:07 PM
How frequently do you use the Z1 product?

10-01-2002, 07:14 PM
You`re supposed to use it twice a year (or every ten coats of polish) on daily drivers and once a year on show cars or garage queens. Some people feel that using it more often (like every 5 coats) improves the shine. It`s been a while since I`ve used Z-1, but I think I`ve noticed this myself.

Steve @ Guru
10-01-2002, 07:46 PM
I need to chime in here, because I am utterly amazed as well...

As most of you know, when we did our original "thewaxtest.com" tests, we applied a single coat of Z5/Z2 to a test panel. This was in October of 2001. At the same time, I applied 3 coats of Z5 to our brand new Tahoe.

We washed the panels and the Tahoe on a weekly basis until the test was completed. At the conclusion of the test (8 weeks), both the panel and Tahoe were beading like crazy.

Well, a few months went by and in February, I got the itch (on a nice warm day) to apply a few more coats of Z to the Tahoe. The test panel was still beading water, despite not having been washed since December of 2001...

Since that last application of Z to the Tahoe in February (feb 25, to be exact), my wife has run the Tahoe through the local touchless carwash about, oh, 20 times.... :eek:

I washed the Tahoe last Thursday evening, and the water wouldn`t even stick to it. I had to spray it liberally, wash it real quickly with Z7 and then try to rinse off the non-sticking suds...the stuff just rolled right off! I just about made a mess of myself - I wouldn`t have believed it had I not seen it myself.

A final wipe with Z6 and it looks like I just spent all day detailing it...Skeptic, no more!!!

<edit> Just for giggles, I checked the Z panel a few weeks ago (prior to Tahoe wash) and the panel wasn`t beading any more. My guess is that it lasted until early August, as I remember it having beading when I went to move it for the landscapers</edit>

10-01-2002, 08:38 PM
christiaan: we do, but our main issue is shipping cost (and product cost since our regional distributor`s prices are higher than the ones in the US)... My guess is I`ll have to wait till Jan or so to get Z... :(

By the way, would this be a good kit to start with?





Z7 (2 bottles)

How long will these bottles last me? (I guess cvcalean`s weather and atmosphere would match mine the closest)

10-01-2002, 09:03 PM

It`s good see you posting again. :up

10-02-2002, 01:44 AM
Originally posted by theveed

christiaan: we do, but our main issue is shipping cost (and product cost since our regional distributor`s prices are higher than the ones in the US)... My guess is I`ll have to wait till Jan or so to get Z... :(

By the way, would this be a good kit to start with?





Z7 (2 bottles)

How long will these bottles last me? (I guess cvcalean`s weather and atmosphere would match mine the closest)

Hi, Veed,

That is a good kit to start with , allthough I would take 2Z6 and a claybar.

For me Belgian the cost of that first package was:




Z6:15.95$ x 2 = 31.90$

Z7:12.95$ x 2 = 25.90$


applicator: 4$ x 2 = 8$

shippingcost: 20$


I totaly payed: 199.6$:eek:

That`s the price beauty costs here

At the rate i`m using Z ,I expect the Z2&Z5 to last 2 years

Z6 & Z7 will be gone after a year (that is : the 2 bottles of each will be gone)

Hope to hear
