View Full Version : Zaino and Dust... what to do?

08-30-2002, 04:19 PM
I`d like to apply a coat of Zaino on my car at sunset, and let it dry overnight so that I can buff it out first thing the next morning. My only problem is that my car collects a lot of dust in just one night in my parking structure. Should I do anything about the dust before buffing it out? Rinse with water maybe?

Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

08-30-2002, 04:41 PM
I guess I`m not as familiar with the Z process as I thought I was. Is there a benefit to letting it dry overnight?

There have been issues like this before where members have forgotten to buff it out and then gone on trips (you know who you are ;) ). The advice given then is still good. You`ll want to wash the car again. That will buff the Z off and get the dust off safely. There isn`t any other way to safely buff it off without the danger of the dust swirling the paint. The Zanio that has bonded to the car has already bonded. All you are washing/bufing off is the excess anyway. The product that bonded to the car will still be there.