View Full Version : Update -- pics of my Z-12 hazing

08-30-2002, 04:01 PM
Well, to give you guys an idea of what I`m talking about in this (http://autopia.ws/forums/showthread.php?threadid=14584) thread, I took some pictures of what the haze on my glass looks like. Here`s (http://home.earthlink.net/~kfscoll/images/haze.jpg) a picture of the glass that`s hazed and, for comparison, here`s (http://home.earthlink.net/~kfscoll/images/no_haze.jpg) a picture of unhazed glass.

Anyway, the pics aren`t the greatest, but the hazing is clearly being caused by the tiny little "specks" or abrasions that are evident in the first picture. There`s just GOT to be a way to get rid of this!!! Any ideas? I`m planning on taking the car to a pro detailer on Monday if I don`t solve this problem by then.

To be fair, I don`t totally think this is the fault of the Z-12, per se. I noticed this problem after buffing the rear glass with Z-12, but I don`t know for sure that other glass compound wouldn`t have done the same thing.

08-30-2002, 07:08 PM
Well actually that would be the fault of the Z12 then. Like when I used to use FI2, the product would haze the surface when id rub it off with an MF towel.

08-30-2002, 07:40 PM
Al, do you think that a pro will be able to repair that? I think the reason I can`t is that the compounds I have (other than Z-12, of course) combined with my PC aren`t aggressive enough to "cut" the glass. I suspect that the Z-12 IS aggressive enough, but the diminishing abrasives just aren`t breaking down sufficiently and are therefore leaving a haze. I don`t mind taking it to a detailer (there`s one close to me that I found through Ron Ketcham`s AutoInt.com site) if they can fix it...the pro I spoke to today said it`d only run about $20 or so to repair. Heck, it`s worth a lot more than $20 to me to have that eyesore fixed!

FWIW, I sent those pictures and an explanation of the problem to Ron Ketcham himself. It`s a shame he doesn`t frequent the board any more...I suspect he`d have a good idea as to how this could be fixed -- professionally or otherwise.

08-30-2002, 08:45 PM

The glass can be buffed with a rotary buffer and a lambswool pad and the proper polish and it will totally removed the problem. If needed the glass can also be "cut", but from what I can see polishing should do the trick. AutoInt has a TechTip listed for this very problem, I am sure Ron would mention it in this case.

Good Luck!

08-30-2002, 09:07 PM
Showroom, thanks for the guidance!! I just knew there had to be a way to fix this, and figured it would probably involve a rotary. Can you point me to Ron`s Tech Tip so I can print it and take it to the Auto International-certified detailer I plan on visiting? I can`t seem to find it on his website. Hopefully the detailer should be able to fix me right up!!

Well, I`ll save judgment until after this problem is repaired, but I doubt I`ll feel comfortable using Z-12 again.

08-31-2002, 09:41 PM
Well, if you want the long story, click here (http://autopia.ws/forums/showthread.php?threadid=14668), but the bottom line is that the AutoInt.com (i.e. Ron Ketcham`s) Tech Tip didn`t fix the hazing on my hatch glass. Does anyone have any other suggestions? My faith in "professional detailers" has been shaken, so it`ll be a while before I try one of them again. I think at this point the smartest (and safest) course of action may be to try to have this fixed under warranty at my next visit to the dealer; it seems as though (and Sal Zaino suggested this might be the case) the glass may be defective.