View Full Version : Which applicator do I use...

08-28-2002, 06:45 PM
Do I use a foam appicator for wax and a terry cloth applicator for polish? What about MF applicators? When do I use one of those? What should I use for Klasse AIO?

08-28-2002, 06:59 PM
I use Microfiber applicators for Klasse. They are usually a bit larger than a foam one. I`m actually a huge fan of MF applicators. The only time I use the foam ones is when I`m using a wax out of a can like Souveran or PPG. I`d use either a terry cloth applicator or a microfiber applicator for everything else.

08-28-2002, 11:25 PM
I use microfiber applicators for Klasse All-in-One and Klasse Sealant glaze.

All other paint work I use foam pads for.

The only time I use a terry cloth applicator on paint is when I use Pinnacle Paint Cleansing lotion. Not sure why but I`ve been doing it since I started using the product and it works great.

I love terry cloth applicators for interior work like applying dressings to vinyl and for applying leather dressing. They really work well.