View Full Version : Connolly Hide Food/Lexol

08-27-2002, 11:04 PM
I recently bought some Connolly Hide Food and found some time to apply it on my RX 300`s seats. The instructions state "Use little and often". I must say, it was not the easiest product I`ve ever used for leather. I was using a nice terry applicator (I`ve always used terry on leather), and I found it to be "grabby" when applying. Well, my mind shifted gears and I thought about grabby exterior polishes/waxes and the use of QD to make it easier to apply or remove.

So...I grabbed my bottle of Lexol Conditioner, spritzed the applicator, applied a quarter-sized dollop of Connolly in the middle and started to apply it again...Shazam, What a breeze!

I then continued this process for all the leather in my car...I let it dwell in the warm setting sun for 60 minutes. When I returned to check on my efforts, I was thoroughly impressed with the results. Phenomenal! I felt the seats, and sat down in the car. I didn`t need to buff, but I did buff one seat anyway. A slight gloss increase.

The overall results are killer. It`s like Retin-A for the seats. The wrinkles smoothed out and the leather has never felt softer. Not slippery. Not grabby. Not shiny. Not dull. Just right (Like new!).

Oh, yeah...I`m going to do this again. :xyxthumbs

08-28-2002, 07:39 AM
Hide Food was the wrong product to buy. It`s meant for non-clearcoated leather, like you`d find on very expensive cars or older ones (from the 70s, for example).

Your Lex, like most all modern cars, has a clear coat applied to the leather. Products like Lexol are perfect for it.

Give the Hide Food to the guy with the `76 Caddy or the old Rolls Royce.