View Full Version : S100 vs. #26 High Tech Yellow vs. Gold Glass- which is better

08-27-2002, 03:27 PM

I currently use Crystal-Glo Car Sealant and wanted to top off the 5 or 6 coats with a wax to offer very high gloss shine and durability. What would you recommend the S100, #26, or Gold Class?

I am located in Toronto, so Souveran is not avail here except mail order. The Crystal - Glo offers protection for 6 to 12 months, so even if the wax comes off, the protection should still be there.

What is the best for shine and longevity that is available in Toronto as well as offer some protection.


08-27-2002, 03:33 PM
For the money I think S100 is the best wax out there.

Gold class is my backup wax and if you search you will find hundreds of posts with people useing #26.

Whateevr you decide make sure its a paste and not a liquid. I do not believe in Liquid Carnuba wax`s

08-27-2002, 03:45 PM
If looks is your primary concern, you can`t beat the P21S/S100. It is very, very close to the Souveran. If durability is more of a concern, than the #26 is a better choice, and still looks great! IMHO, the Gold Class is OK for a short lived nice look, but not near the equal of the other two in either category! However, GC is very easy to apply!

08-27-2002, 03:52 PM
Thats a good question. The thing that complicates the answer is 5 or 6 coats.

Some do not feel that the gold class can be layered very well. Most have seen Scottwax pictures of s100 and believe that can not be beat and #26 is a very good wax for adding layers.

good luck

08-27-2002, 03:55 PM
I currently have 5 to 6 coats of the Crystal - Glo. I was planning on adding 1 to 2 coats of the wax as a topper for the shine and added protection.

08-27-2002, 03:56 PM
I would go with S100 for a easy paste wax, or #26 if you want an even easier liquid. Like White_F150 said though, it`s a bit of a tradeoff between looks and durability. GC makes me a bit nervous because it reportedly has "very mild" cleaners in it. Some say it`s fine over sealants, some say it`s not. Search. :nixweiss

I take it you`ve been liking the Crystal-Glo? :) Can you actually notice any difference between successive coats? Are you planning on leaving your current coat on over the winter and see how it fares?

EDIT: oh man! I type SLOW! :p (2 posts since mine)

08-27-2002, 04:21 PM
this is a no brainer ......................S100 or P21s

08-27-2002, 05:24 PM
Originally posted by 4DSC

I would go with S100 for a easy paste wax, or #26 if you want an even easier liquid. Like White_F150 said though, it`s a bit of a tradeoff between looks and durability. GC makes me a bit nervous because it reportedly has "very mild" cleaners in it. Some say it`s fine over sealants, some say it`s not. Search. :nixweiss

I take it you`ve been liking the Crystal-Glo? :) Can you actually notice any difference between successive coats? Are you planning on leaving your current coat on over the winter and see how it fares?

EDIT: oh man! I type SLOW! :p (2 posts since mine)

I have noticed the shine and gloss to be increased by the application of multiple coats. I plan on putting the carnauba wax on top of this (2 or 3 coats) and then let it go for the rest of the year till spring.

08-27-2002, 05:54 PM
under the circumstances you described. Gold Class will look good, but with the cleaners and polishes it won`t layer like #26 or S100. I really didn`t like the durability of Gold Class and don`t use it. I still use the other 2 however. #26 is pretty durable for a Carnauba in winter, and can definitely be layered.

I haven`t tried P21S in the winter yet. I contacted their tech support about layering and they said that it doesn`t layer and recommended a recoat every 6 weeks. However, after I put on my second layer this summer it definitely had a richer shine. So I believe it can be layered.

I also agree that Paste will allow better layering. More solvents are added to liquids and they don`t do as well in my experience when winter arrives.

And I agree that you will need something stronger than a Carnauba to have your finish overwinter.

I`ve also found 3M Perfect-It Show Car Paste Wax to be the most durable for a Carnauba that I`ve tested and it actually performs better when it is layered several times allowing 3-4 weeks between coats.

Why not do both. 2-3 layers of #26 topped off later by a coate of P21S. I`m sure that it will look great and should be pretty durable.

08-27-2002, 09:04 PM
Originally posted by mrdetailer

Why not do both. 2-3 layers of #26 topped off later by a coat of P21S. I`m sure that it will look great and should be pretty durable. :xyxthumbs


08-27-2002, 09:27 PM
S100/P21s on #26? Been there, done that, loved it...:up

08-27-2002, 09:59 PM
Originally posted by mrdetailer

I`ve also found 3M Perfect-It Show Car Paste Wax to be the most durable for a Carnauba that I`ve tested and it actually performs better when it is layered several times allowing 3-4 weeks between coats.

Your experience with 3M Show Car Paste Wax is quite interesting.

I used it over Meguiar`s Medallion with great results. I wax about every 60 days or less so I never gave much thought to durability. Since I have been frequenting this forum, I have read many references to the short lifespan of the 3M SCPW. Now, you state how long it lasts for you. Amazing how the many opinions are so different, concerning the same products. It would surprise me a great deal if 3M put out a crap product.


08-28-2002, 12:05 AM
Yeah, the first time I applied it, it didn`t seem to last long at all. It seems to be one that gets more durable if you stick with it. When I did it the second time in the next spring it was more durable. The beading was much better, and has been great ever since. Apparently this one really performs best with layering. It certainly is no less durable that my experience with #26 or P21S. In fact on my Red Mazda the roof and trunk with P21S and #26 died during the summer heat (21 days over 100 degrees) but the Perfect-It on the hood still beaded and still does 4 weeks after the others were reapplied.

P21S on top of Meguiars looks fantastic. Reflections are better with P21S, but Meguiars adds the same depth and wet look. Frankly I like both a lot.

08-28-2002, 12:13 AM
As of yesterday, I am trying S100 over Platinum UPP on one vehicle. It really came out good. Now if it lasts a month or two, it may be my latest system.
