View Full Version : Home Made Quick Wax...can it be done?

08-26-2002, 08:59 AM
I had purchased #26 liquid wax, but after reading seveal posts here about the paste being more durable I went out and bought that.

I still have the liquid wax and was wondering. Is the liquid thin enough to spray it onto the car....kinda like a quick wax?

What about breaking it down further with some QD or Megs Quik Wax?

My reasoning....during the winter I tend to use car washes more often to get salts and grime off my car. I`d like to do a quick waxing after the car wash to ensure there is a layer of protection.

Thus if the #26 liquid can be used like a quick wax....that would be cool! :xyxthumbs

What do you think?


08-26-2002, 01:11 PM
Not sure about using it as a quick wax, but what I sometimes do when washing a carnauba`d car is to mix a half ounce of liquid wax with 1.5 ounces of car shampoo into a little ZFX container, shake it up really well and then use that as my car shampoo. I do this with waxes I don`t plan to ever use (3M Show Car Wax).

M3 Dream's
08-26-2002, 10:21 PM
Originally posted by Intermezzo

I do this with waxes I don`t plan to ever use (3M Show Car Wax).

Why wouldnt u ever use 3M ?