View Full Version : Vandals/Paint damaged interior

08-25-2002, 09:34 AM
My `89 Volvo GL is just past the break-in period (255K ;) ). Several weeks ago vandals passed through the neighborhood and damaged several cars. Mine got what appears to be cream colored laytex paint thrown on my black leather/black vinyl interior. Question? What is the best way to remove that paint? It`s all over the vents, carpet, and clear plastic (ie speedo). This site rocks! Just reading many of the posts has inspired me to move to the next level once this damage has been cleaned up. Thanks


08-25-2002, 10:10 AM
you prob won`t be able to get it out the carpet. Not all the way.

The only thing I could think of is paint thinner. That can hurt some cloths/leathers though.

08-25-2002, 11:14 AM
Last night in home depot I saw a new chemical I hadn`t seen before- I think it was a variant of the goo gone or goof off kind of solvent- sold where you`d find things like paint thinner.

The new stuff was a water-based product that was expressly made to remove dried latex paint from furniure/floors etc. I think it was in a 8 oz. bottle.

Sorry I can`t remember the name- but it was in there amoungst all the thinners, cleaners, strippers etc, near the paint section.

Oh wait-- this is the stuff- goof off two-

goof off 2 (http://www.goof-off.com/goofoff/PRODUCTS/goofoff.html)

08-25-2002, 11:33 AM
Sorry to hear about the vandalism to the car. I hope you get it off. Good luck.:wavey