View Full Version : Viking 100% Cotton Mitts - Preparation?

08-23-2002, 03:40 PM
I was able to find two of the 100% Cotton Viking wash mitts at a local auto parts store here. I have a couple questions...

1) I just washed the mitt out in the sink when I got it, I didn`t toss it in the washer or anything but I got a bunch of cotton lint stuck on the seals around the windows on my car that I have been picking off for days. Should I have prepared the mitt for use in a different way?

2) This was my mistake, but I am trying to figure out how to prevent it. The mitts had a tag on them sewn in down by the elastic wristband. I tried to cut it out, but I ended up cutting the thread the holds the elastic wrist on and now the whole thing in coming unraveled. How do you remove this tag or is it safe on the paint?
