View Full Version : Someone Paintballed Me!

08-21-2002, 01:16 PM
Some bast&rd paintballed my wifes Jeep a little bit ago.

I told her to wash it off right away. She called back and said there was a film that wouldn`t wash off, so I told spray it all down good with quick detailer, and wipe carefully with cotton towel. She called back and said she doesn`t see any permanent damage.

I am sure I will see marring that needs to be removed.

Vandalism really pisses me off. I live out in the county were crime is practically non existant, but the little bast&rd kids need to have the as$es beat.

Sorry, I needed to vent.:mad:

Anybody have paintball experience with any other things I should consider??

08-21-2002, 03:03 PM
I think I`d be most worried about the dent that might occur from the paintball impact... as far as the paint itself, I think you`re fairly safe since your wife got to it quickly... The stuff isn`t really like paint... it seems more like soap and actually washes off really easy since it`s water-soluble... Of course, I`d guess it`d depend on the brand of paintball... :P good luck!:wavey

08-21-2002, 03:28 PM
The only thing I might have considered was picking off the shells as carefully as possible. They have the potential for scratching. The paint itself seems to have some soap in it.

08-21-2002, 11:56 PM
A few years ago, some a$$hole paintballed my wife when she was driving down the road. It hit her right in the sunglasses and it was red paint and it scared the hell out of her. It was a good thing she was wearing glasses or she could of had her eye put out.

I went driving down the same road 10 minutes later hoping the little ba$tard would do it to me because I would of unloaded the thing in his ear. It`s probably good I didn`t find him.... for both of us.

08-22-2002, 12:16 AM
When I got home and inspected, I was able to get rid of the little scratching it did easily.:bounce

Lucky it didn`t dent the panel.

I am still fuming over this. I just hope that whoever did it, doesn`t do it to me, for both of our sakes. I will chase the ba$tard down and probably do something I would regret.

Goodthing Minority Report was only a movie, or I would probably be introuble now!;)

Messing with my machines is not cool. I do not take lightly to this.

08-22-2002, 01:59 AM
I have had my car paintballed before, it left a couple minor dents where they hit but luckily we caught the idiots (resulting in them paying for it).

08-25-2002, 03:33 AM
i feel your anger and am glad nothing permanent happened. i`m a pretty vengeful son of a b!tch and would also violently attack someone that paintballs or does anything to my car. someone spit on my window and i freaked, thinking about finding him somehow. one day, i hope to have really good surveillence around my house that can record these punks. my cars would be worth it, and so would the fun of finding them