View Full Version : washing MF towels with detergent and Oxi-Clean

08-21-2002, 01:01 PM
For those of you who know what Oxi-Clean is... I was wondering if you`ve tried it...

I love the stuff for my other laundry, doesn`t seem to leave any kind of film or residue behind (like fabric softener)... The stuff has washed out stains so well, so I was wondering if I could / should wash my MF towels with Oxi-Clean...

(you can try getting it from Target or Costco)


08-21-2002, 01:36 PM
I use it on my set of MFs that have been assigned “hazard†duty (door jambs, windows, interior etc.). Not sure how many products they make but I use the ‘add a scoop to every load’ concentrate. Awesome stuff!


08-21-2002, 02:01 PM
Someone on a camaro site told me that using powder to wash car towels is a no no. Reason being that if the power doses not dissolve properly it becomes a scratching agent on the towel.

Liquid is all I use and I still have scratches so what the heck, if it feels good to you than go for it. Cause I love the results of Oxi-clean in the wash


08-21-2002, 02:46 PM
that`s a really good point... it says specifically on the can to use warm -> hot water to make sure the Oxi-Clean crystals dissolve... and since my MFs are blue and purp, I don`t even know if I`m supposed to wash on hot...

Will washing my MFs on hot melt the MFs? I heard to dry on low heat, but what about washing?

08-21-2002, 02:52 PM
Washing in hot water is ok, after all it`s not even boiling temperature. It`s drying on HIGH that causes some of them to melt. It`s ok, the colours won`t come off.

08-21-2002, 04:01 PM
Hi slimborama,

"Will washing my MFs on hot melt the MFs? I heard to dry on low heat, but what about washing?"

Here are my response to your questions. Washing your micro fiber towels in hot ..........sorry my complete response is below. Clicked submit to early :D

With Aloha,


08-21-2002, 04:04 PM
Hi slimborama,

Will washing my MFs on hot melt the MFs? I heard to dry on low heat, but what about washing?

Here is my response to your questions. Washing your micro fiber towels in hot (less than or equal to 90 degrees) water is okay. The hot water breaks down the grime, grease, oils, wax etc. in the micro fiber cloth in conjunction with a mild laundry detergent i.e. Tide. If you use too strong of a detergent you can actually damage the micro fiber strands which will cause them to loose their soft feel. When drying your micro fiber towels, I would recommend setting your dryer to low temp or air dry. Because micro fiber towels dry in half the time than regular cotton towels would. So you have to watch them. I personally hand wash my micro fiber towels and just line dry them. If I`m in a rush then I`ll throw them in the dryer but again at low temp.

I hope that helps.

08-21-2002, 05:20 PM
great replies guys :) thanks for all the help

I`m still a n00b but hopefully not for much longer! :xyxthumbs