View Full Version : Shocking

08-20-2002, 05:02 PM
I was just wondering if anyone might have any tips. This morning i go out on the front yard to grab the morning paper. To my utter horror i notice that someone had poured a bucket of white paint all over my neighbors metalic blue Ford Expedition. Seeing as his auto was parked directly behind my black 2002 Altima (1 week old)...I rushed over to make sure that my car had not been hit by this spineless act of vandalism. Thankfully not a drop of paint got on my car. Needless to say...my neighbor is devastated (I can`t say that i blame him). I told him that i would check with you guys to see if there was anything that could be used to remove the paint...Any ideas? Maybe a new paint job is the only solution...any input would be a big help...thanks in advance

08-20-2002, 05:12 PM
What super-drought-man said-

Rush that thing to a body shop after contacting the insurance people..

It may have run into the vents and things at the base of the windshield.. If it`s latex paint, drenching the car with copious amounts of water may help get rid of any paint that is not dry yet.. Oil paint will need solvent.

But a auto body/paint shop should be consulted I would think..

If the truck was reasonably clean and has any wax on the paint, it should come off without too much stress, but I`m only guessing..

that sucks